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白痴的英文怎么说 白痴的英文

2023-07-14 11:34:55来源:励普网



A congenital idiot,syphilitic,etc
先天性白痴、梅毒患者等.My brother-in-law thinks he knows everything but he"s a real turkey.
我姊夫以为他什么都懂,实际上他真是个白痴。An idiot since birth
天生的白痴.A blooming hot day; a blooming idiot.
大热天;十足的白痴。You moron!
你这白痴!What an idiot!
真是个白痴!You idiot!
你这白痴!What a stupid idiot!
真是白痴一个!A stupid person; an idiot
愚蠢之人;白痴That man is a card-carrying idiot.

n. 白痴,白痴的行为

Stealing a car and then driving it drunk was the ultimate idiocy.
偷了车然後醉酒开车真是愚蠢到极点。Each morning he gloomily recognized his idiocies of the evening before
他每天早晨沮丧地认识到昨天晚上的荒唐。They stop the proceedings with the idiocy that the user must enter a valid customer number right now.
它们愚蠢地停下来,要求用户必须立刻输入正确的客户号码。 Marriage is always a hopeless idiocy for a woman who has enough of her own to live upon
对一个自己有足够的生活资料的女人来说,结婚是一种不可救药的极端愚蠢的行为。Syphilis transmits idiocy, insanity, and deformity by heredity, but it is also said that it is capable of stimulating genius

相关内容: 白痴的英文怎么说 励普网


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