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遥控器的英文怎么说 遥控器的英文

2023-06-30 10:11:15来源:励普网


report controller
remote controller

Press a number on the remote control(1 - 4)to access that preset.
按遥控器上的一个数字(1-4)进入预置。The remote control doesn"t work.
遥控器坏了。Remote keyless entry system with panic feature
遥控器+防盗系统You can use the remote control.
你可以用遥控器。I operate the TV with the remote control.
我用遥控器操作电视机。I change the channel with the remote control.
我用遥控器转换频道。Verify that working batteries are inserted in the remote
检查遥控器中是否装有工作电池You can send a quick text message to your curtain remote control.
你可以立即向窗帘遥控器发送一条信息。Using the remote control,open the setup menu and the video submenu
用遥控器打开设置菜单和视频子菜单For some games, the controller connects up via a cable to a second, smaller handset.

v. 报告,报道;记述;公布;告发,举报
n. 报告,报道;成绩报告单

confirmation of the report
传闻的证实 His report and your report disagreed.
他的报告与你的报告不一致。The auditing report and the evaluation report shall be announced to the public.

n. 管理者;财务总管;控制器

control experiment
ph.1. 核对实验(实证某一变数单独对整个系统可能发生的影响) controlled dictation
听写测验 control footing

adj. 遥远的;偏僻的;疏远的
n. 远程

outside chance; remote possibility.
不大可能的机会;极小的可能性。 remote transfer system
遥距转运系统 The connection to the remote computer was broken.

相关内容: 遥控器的英文怎么说 励普网


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