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独特用英文怎么说 独特的英文

2023-06-16 08:55:47来源:励普网


having special characteristics

Distinctive in style
风格独特Watercolour paintings are of special beauty.
水彩画,具有独特之美。A wholesome fast food with distinctive fiavour.
有益健康、风味独特的快餐食品。It is a unique episode, without example in maritime history.
在航海史上没有先例的独特事件。The cardigans and leggings as soft as silk endow ladies with particular charm.
柔情似水的毛衣裙装赋予女性独特的魅力。High-quality food with special taste is always fashionable throughout the market.
口味独特,质量上乘的食品,总是风靡市场。The warbler has a distinctive song
刺嘴莺有独特的歌喉,The Peking Opera emerged in the capital as a distinctive theatrical form in the first part of the 19th century.
平剧是于19世纪初作为一种独特的戏剧形式出现在京城的。The nanometre corpuscle or nanometre material has its own special properties and new rules.
纳米微粒及纳米材料具有独特的性质和新的规律。This kind of material has its unique texture and colour.

adj. 独一无二的;罕见的;独特的

The beauty of Dunhuang is unique in the world.
敦煌的美在世界上是独一无二的。Because it undermine the uniqueness of humanity.
因为它摧毁了人类的独特性。His cello technique is unique.

adj. 有特色的,与众不同的

acquired distinctiveness
经(使用或其它方法)取得的独特性 There is a distinct smell of oranges in this room!
这个房间里有明显的桔子味!radically distinctive and without equal.

n. 所有;持有物;所有财产

having or as if having especially high-pitched spots.
具有或者好像具有声调特别高的点。 The gap between the haves and the have-nots is widening.
贫富之间的差距在扩大。From saving comes having

相关内容: 独特用英文怎么说 励普网


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