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太棒了英语怎么读 英语例句

2023-06-09 10:21:12来源:励普网


太棒了,除了great,还有considerable, appreciable, extraordinary等其他用法。如果能够掌握这些常用的表达,那么相信对英语的学习与进步一定会有很大的帮助。

Has many meanings. The first meaning is an intense or extreme amount, one which is much above normal.这个词有很多含义。第一层意思是指强烈的或极端的量,另一个是指远远高于正常值。

There is a great amount of work that needs to be done.还有大量的工作需要完成。

Will it take a great amount of work?这有很大的工作量吗?

This definition of great has many synonyms, here are some of the most commonly used ones.great的这层含义有许多同义词,这里有一些最常用的同义词。

1. Considerable1.相当大的

Means large in size or amount. Something that is considerable is big.指尺寸或数量大。相当大的东西是很大的。

I have considerably more work to do now, than I did in the past.我现在要做的工作比过去多得多。

The family has a considerable amount of money.这个家庭经济富足。

2. Substantial2.大量的

Means that something has of a lot of importance, size, or worth.意味着某个东西很重要、无论是大小或价值。

This is a substantial problem, and we need to fix it right away.这是一个严重的问题,我们需要马上解决它。

That was a substantial amount of food.那有相当多的食物。

3. Appreciable4.可察觉的

Refers to something being important enough or large enough to be noticed. This word is almost always used to represent something in a positive way. Even if someone says that something is not appreciable, it means that something is not positive.这个词指的是足够重要或足够大以至于引起注意的事物。这个词几乎总是用积极的意味表示某事。即使有人说某件事不可感知,也意味着某件事不积极。

There is an appreciable amount of caring in the school.在学校能感到很多的关怀。

I am appreciable of everything that you have done for me.我清楚地了解对你为我所做的一切。

4. Exceptional7.例外的

Refers to something that is unusual or not typical. This is usually used in a positive way. If it is not used in a positive way, then it is used to mean that something is large or of large importance.指不寻常或不典型的事物。这通常使用褒义含义。如果它没有使用褒义含义,那么它就意味着某个事物是巨大的或是重要的。

Your work is exceptional.你的工作很出色。

This building is an exceptional milestone for our city.这座建筑是我们城市的一个特殊里程碑。

5. Extraordinary8.杰出的

Means that something is unusual or remarkable or incredible. This is a word that is usually used in a positive way, but it can also be used to say that something was shockingly bad.意味着某件事是不寻常的、非凡的或难以置信的。这是一个通常使用褒义含义的词,但也可以用来表示有些事情非常糟糕。

The artist’s work is extraordinary.这位艺术家的作品超凡脱俗。

The party was an extraordinary disaster.这次聚会非同寻常的糟糕。


Can also mean that the quality of something is better than normal. This usage of the word great is always positive.也可能意味着某些东西的品质比正常的要好。“great”这个词的用法总是褒义含义。

You did a great job on your presentation.你的演讲做得很棒。

It feels great to be home again.回到家感觉真好。

This definition of great also has many synonyms.伟大的定义也有许多同义词。

6. Prominent9.著名的

Refers to something being important or famous.指一些重要或著名的事物。

He holds a prominent position in the community.他在社区内占有重要地位。

This is a prominent restaurant.这是一家有名的餐馆。

7. Distinguished12.杰出的,卓越的

Refers to something being different. As a synonym for great, it would be different because it’s better.指的是与众不同的事物。作为great的同义词,它会有所不同,因为它更好。

He is a distinguished professor.他是一名杰出的教授。

The clothing line is distinguished and has won many awards.这条服装生产线很有名,并赢得了许多奖项。

8. Illustrious13.辉煌的

Refers to someone who is respected and admired because of past accomplishments. This is usually used to describe a long and successful career.指因过去的成就而受到尊敬和钦佩的人。这通常用来描述一个漫长而成功的职业生涯。

It will be hard to follow such an illustrious predecessor.很难追随这样一位杰出的前辈。

One day I hope to have an illustrious career.有一天,我希望有一个辉煌的事业。


相关内容: 太棒了英语怎么读 励普网


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