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第一次爱的人的英文版歌词 歌手介绍

2023-02-16 09:25:08来源:励普网

随着社会越来越发达,大家都选择在网络上汲取相关知识内容,比如第一次爱的人的英文版歌词 歌手介绍,为了更好的解答大家的问题,小编也是翻阅整理了相应内容,下面就一起来看一下吧!


  歌手介绍:M2M(窈窕美眉)是由两个来自挪威的小女孩Marit (乖乖美眉——玛莉特)及Marion (好动美眉——玛莉安)所组成的团体,由于两人名字都是M开头,所以就叫M2M。 Marit与Marion两人认识于1990年(大约五岁时),由于对音乐的喜爱,两人成了好朋友,并常在一起为家人及朋友表演。 他们的第一张唱片是八岁时以挪威语灌录的儿童专辑,这张专辑也获得Spillemanspriest (相当于挪威葛莱美奖)《最佳儿童专辑》提名。

  Well I wonder could it be

  When I was dreaming about you baby

  You were dreaming of me

  Call me crazy

  Call me blind

  To still be suffering is stupid after all of this time

  Did I lose my love to someone better

  And does she love you like I do

  I do, you know I really really do

  Well hey

  So much I need to say

  Been lonely since the day

  The day you went away

  So sad but true

  For me there s only you

  Been crying since the day

  The day you went away

  I remember date and time

  September twenty second

  Sunday twenty five after nine

  In the doorway with your case

  No longer shouting at each other

  There were tears on our faces

  And we were letting go of something special

  Something we ll never have again

  I know, I guess I really really know

  Well hey

  So much I need to say

  Been lonely since the day

  The day you went away

  So sad but true

  For me there s only you

  Been crying since the day

  The day you went away

  The day you went away

  The day you went away

  Did I lose my love to someone better

  And does she love you like I do

  I do, you know I really really do

  Well hey

  So much I need to say

  Been lonely since the day

  The day you went away

  So sad but true

  For me there s only you

  Been crying since the day

  The day you went away

  Why do we never know what we ve got till it s gone

  How could I carry on

  The day you went away

  Cause I ve been missing you so much I have to say

  Been crying since the day

  The day you went away

  The day you went away

  The day you went away



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