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苏格拉底英语名言经典句子带翻译 励志英语名言

2023-02-16 08:43:51来源:励普网

在生活中,很多人都不知道苏格拉底英语名言经典句子带翻译 励志英语名言是什么意思,其实他的意思是非常简单的,下面就是小编搜索到的苏格拉底英语名言经典句子带翻译 励志英语名言相关的一些知识,我们一起来学习下吧!




  1、不要靠馈赠来获得一个朋友。don"t try to win a friend by gift。

  2、我像一只猎犬一样追寻真理的足迹。i like a hound to pursue truth。

  3、我们的需要越是少,我们越近似神。we need more is less, the more we approximate god。

  4、不懂得工作真义的人,视工作为苦役。don"t know the real meaning of work, treat work as slavery。

  5、没有人因为知道了善而不向善的。because no one know the good and not for good。

  6、我们的需要是越少,我们越近似上帝。our need is less, the more we similar to god。

  7、问题是接生婆,它能帮助新思想的诞生。problem is a midwife, it can help the birth of new ideas。

  8、你是为了吃饭而生存,还是为了生存而吃饭呢?are you live to eat, or eat to live?

  9、我只知道一件事,那就是什么都不知道。i only know one thing, and that is what all don"t know。

  10、世界上最快乐的事,莫过于为理想而奋斗。the happiest thing in the world is to struggle for the ideal。

  11、神灵为自己保留了那对于最为重要的东西的认识。keep the gods for yourself for the most important thing。

  12、每个人身上都有太阳,主要是如何让它发光。every man has the sun, the main is how to make it shine。

  13、教育是把我们的内心勾引出来的工具和方法。education is our inner seduce out of tools and methods。

  14、我比别知道得多的,不过是我知道自己的无知。i don"t know much, but i know his own ignorance。

  15、爱情犹如麦地里采麦穗,弄不好就会空手而归。love is like in the wheat grain, lane is bad to can return empty-handed。


  16、知足是天赋的财富,奢侈是人为的贫穷。content is the wealth of talent, luxury is artificial poverty。

  17、我不只是雅典的公民,我也是世界的公民。i"m not just the citizens of athens, i also am the citizen of the world。

  18、如果我能忍受了自己的老婆,也就能忍受任何人了!if i can stand his wife, also can tolerate anyone!

  19、德行就是知识或美德,即知识愚昧是罪恶之源。virtue is knowledge, or virtues, namely knowledge ignorance is the source of evil。

  20、坏人活着是为了吃与喝,而好人却是为了活着才吃与喝。the bad guys live to eat and drink, and a good man is to live to eat and drink。

  21、在这个世界上,除了阳光、空气、水和笑容,我们还需要什么呢!in this world, in addition to sunlight, air, water and smiling face, what we need!

  22、在你发怒的时候,要紧闭你的嘴,免得增加你的怒气。when you are angry, want to shut your mouth, lest increase your anger。

  23、思想应当诞生在学生的心里,教师仅仅应当像助产士那样办事。thought should be born in the mind of students, teachers should only act as midwife。

  24、未经审视的生活是毫无价值的或:一种未经考察的生活是不值得过的。an unexamined life is not worth or: a kind of life is not worth living without inspection。

  25、分手的时候到了,我去死,你们去活,究竟谁过得更幸福,唯有神知道。it"s time to break up, i go to dead, you to live, who had more happiness, only god knows。

  26、在死亡的门前,我们要思量的不是生命的空虚,而是它的重要性。at death"s door, we should consider not the emptiness of life, but its importance。

  27、真正高明的人,就是能够借助别人的智慧,来使自己不受蒙蔽的人。really smart people, is to be able to use other people"s wisdom, to make themselves against blind person。

  28、一个人能否有成就,只看他是否具备自尊心与自信心两个条件。a person can have achievement, only look at two conditions whether he have self-esteem and self-confidence。

  29、逆境是人类获得知识的最高学府,难题是人们取得智慧之门。adversity is the highest institution of higher learning, human knowledge problem is that people get the door to wisdom。

  30、时间到了,我们各走各的路,是活在这个世上好还是死了好,只有神知道答案。we are on our different paths when the time came, is to live in this in this world good or death, only god knows the answer。


  1、我知道自己的无知,我知我无知。i know my ignorance, i know my ignorance。

  2、知道的越多,才知知道的越少。only know know know, the more the less。

  3、认识自己,方能认识人生。know yourself, in order to know life。

  4、未经审视的生活是毫无价值的。an unexamined life is not worth。

  5、1暗恋是世界上最美丽的爱情。1 unrequited love is the most beautiful love in the world。

  6、最热烈的爱情会有最冷漠的结局。the most passionate love will be the end of the cold。

  7、教育不是灌输,而是点燃火焰。education is not taught, but the lighting flame。

  8、人可以犯错,但是不可犯同一个错。man can make mistakes, but do not make the same mistake。

  9、我平生只知道一件事,我为什么是那么无知。i"ve only know one thing, why i was so ignorant。

  10、男人活着全靠健忘,女人活着全靠牢记。man alive all by forgetfulness, woman alive on remember all。

  11、知足是天然的财富,奢侈是人为的贫穷。contentment is natural wealth, luxury is artificial poverty。

  12、男人靠健忘活着,女人靠牢记活着。keep in mind that keeps men rely on memory alive, alive。

  13、想左右天下的人,须先能左右自己。think about all the people, must first can control yourself。

  14、想起来,我还欠某人一只雄鸡未还。come to think of it, i still owe someone a cock also。

  15、凡是原本可以做得更好的,也算是懒!who could have done better, also be lazy!

  16、我去死,你们去活,究竟谁过得更幸福,唯有神知道。i go to dead, you go live, who had more happiness, only god knows。

  17、只期盼少许,才能接近最高的幸福。looking forward to a little only, to close to the highest happiness。

  18、告诉我你的朋友,我就知道你是什么样的人。tell me about your friend, i know what kind of person you are。

  19、好习惯是一个人在社交场中所能穿着的最佳服饰。good habit is a person can wear the best clothes in the social field。

  20、德性就是知识或:美德即知识,愚昧是罪恶之源。virtue is knowledge or: virtue is knowledge, but is the source of evil。

  21、最有效的教育方法不是告诉人们答案,而是向他们提问。the most effective education method isn"t tell people the answer, but ask them。

  22、我不是给人知识,而是使知识自己产生的产婆。i don"t give a person knowledge, but to make the midwife who knowledge produce。

  23、我非常清楚地知道,我并没有智慧,不论大的还是小的都没有。i know very well, i don"t have wisdom, no matter big or small all have no。

  24、谦逊是藏于土中甜美的根,所有崇高的美德由此发芽滋长。humility is hidden in the sweet root in the soil, all the virtues of noble vitrue grows。

  25、好的婚姻仅给你带来幸福,不好的婚姻则可使你成为一位哲学家。a good marriage bring you happiness, only a bad marriage can make you to become a philosopher。

相关内容: 苏格拉底 英语 名言 经典 英文 句子 翻译 苏格拉底 希腊


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