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复数用英语怎么说 复数英语说法

2023-01-18 09:47:02来源:励普网

关于复数用英语怎么说 复数英语说法的知识大家了解吗?以下就是小编整理的关于复数用英语怎么说 复数英语说法的介绍,希望可以给到大家一些参考,一起来了解下吧!








  复数共轭 conj ; Complex conjugate

  复数的 plural ; complex-valued ; play with ; compound

  复数平面 complex unmber plane ; argand plane ; gaussian plane ; complex plane

  复数函数 Complex ; Complex Function ; complex re im mod arg

  的复数 anticlinoria anticlinorium ; Media Medium ; antitheses antithesis ; algae

  不规则复数 Irregular plurals

  复数运算 complex operation ; Complex numbers operation ; complex arithmetic

  复数扩张 the expansion of complex number


  1. What is the plural of "person"?


  2. "Data" is the Latin plural form of "datum".


  3. The word "you" can be singular or plural.


  4. The verb should be in the plural, e . g . " have " in " they have " .

  这个动词应用复数形式, 如theyhave中的 have.

  5. " Boy " is singular, and " boys " is plural.

  boy是单数, boys 是复数.

  6. " One box " is singular; " two boxes " is plural.

  “ Onebox ” 是单数, “ twoboxes ” 是复数.

  7. Here you should use plural pronoun.


  8. What"s the height of the World Trade Center?

  世界贸易中心(大厦)有多高? altitude指“高于地面或海面的高度”尤指“超过海面的高度”,复数指“高地”、 “ 高处”,

  9. This way please, madam.

  这边请, 女士. (接待用语,复数借用ladies)

  10. The result is a subtractive number.


  11. "Data" is the Latin plural form of "datum".


  12. If we allow this, then the wavefunction x will also be complex.

  如果允许这种情况出现, 则波函数X也都是复数.

  13. Data is a plural noun.


  14. Most plural nouns in English end in"s ".


  15. Dogs is a plural noun.


相关内容: 数用 英语 怎么 众数 或称 复数 语言学 词素 其中 一种 单数


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