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遥控器用英语怎么说 遥控器的英语说法

2023-01-18 09:32:10来源:励普网





Remote control



Wii遥控器 Wii Remote ; Wiimote ;

电视遥控器 ir remote ; TV remote control ; TV remote ; Television remote control

遥控器套 Robot sheath ; Remote control holder ; Remote Control Cases ; Set remote control

炫彩遥控器 Colorful remote control ; Hyun-color remote control ; Bright Remote Control ; Colour remote control

演示遥控器 Presentation Clicker ; Esitysten napsautussovellus ; Afstandsbediening voor presentaties


1. At that point the radio handset fell to pieces.


2. He reached for the remote control and pressed the "play" button.


3. The children were squabbling over the remote-control gadget for the television.


4. Place an order by pushing a button on your remote control.


5. Soft - labeled buttons address this problem, but add more buttons back to the surface of the remote.

软质按钮没有这个触感反馈的问题, 但却在遥控器上添加了更多的按钮.

6. Said one enthusiast: " Your phone will be your remote control for life. "

一位热心者说: “ 电话将成为你整个生活的遥控器. ”

7. It will also involve the biggest and most complicated controllers ever seen.


8. Having to go back to main menu to change a track.


9. A motorcycle electric ignition system for guarding against theft was designed.


10. Using the air - conditioning remote control to input the control code for on - off.

利用 空调 遥控器输入开关机的遥控代码.

11. Use the number keypad on the remote control to enter the numbers.


12. I wish those kids would stop monkeying around with the remote control!


13. I bet I can will the controller into coming to me.


14. The remote controller's data transfer are through the wireless data transfers.


15. Might his company be the one to solve the remote - control confusion?

苹果电脑会是解决遥控器迷局的公司 吗 ?


相关内容: 遥控器 英语 怎么 英文翻译 例句 遥控器 一种 用来 远控


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