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2022-12-05 15:41:22来源:励普网





  One day,a little monkey is playing by the well.


  He looks in the well and shouts :


  “Oh!My god!The moon has fallen into the well!”


  An older monkeys runs over, takes a look,and says,


  “Goodness me!The moon is really in the water!”


  And olderly monkey comes over.


  He is very surprised as well and cries out:


  “The moon is in the well.”


  A group of monkeys run over to the well .


  They look at the moon in the well and shout:


  “The moon did fall into the well!Come on!Let’get it out!”


  Then,the oldest monkey hangs on the tree up side down ,with his feet on the branch .


  And he pulls the next monkey’s feet with his hands.


  All the other monkeys follow his suit,


  And they join each other one by one down to the moon in the well.


  Just before they reach the moon,the oldest monkey raises his head and happens to see the moon in the sky,


  He yells excitedly “Don’t be so foolish!The moon is still in the sky!”


  看了“英语故事猴子捞月”后,小编分享“Prometheus and Man”!

  Prometheus and Man

  In the conflict between Cronus and Jupiter, Prometheus had adopted the cause of the Olympiandeities. To him and his brother Epimetheus was now committed the office of making man and providing him and all other animals with the faculties necessary for their preservation. Epimetheus proceeded to bestow upon the different animals the various gifts of courage, strength, swiftness, and sagacity. Taking some earth and kneading it with water. Prometheus made man in the image of the gods. He gave him an upright stature. Then since Epimetheus had been so prodigal of his gifts to other animals that no blessing was left worth conferring upon the noblest of creatures, Prometheus ascended to heaven, lighted his torch at the chariot of the sun, and brought down fire. But it was only rather grudgingly that Jupiter granted mortals the use of fire.

  Then there came the occasion that when gods and men were in dispute at Sicyon concerning theprerogatives of each, Prometheus, by an ingenious trick, attempted to settle the question in favor of man. Dividing into two portions a sacrificial bull, he wrapped all the eatable parts in the skin, cunningly surmounted with uninviting entrails; but the bones he garnished with aplausible mass of fat. He then offered Jupiter his choice. The king of Heaven, although he perceived the intended fraud, took the heap of bones and fat, and forthwith availing himself of this insult as an excuse for punishing mankind, deprived the race of fire. But Prometheusregained the treasure, stealing it from heaven in a hollow tube.

  By Jove"s order Prometheus was chained to a rock on Mount Caucasus, and subjected to the attack of an eagle which, for ages, preyed upon his liver, yet succeeded not in consuming it.

  In his steadfastness to withstand the torment the Titan was supported by the knowledge that in the thirteenth generation there should arrive a hero, - sprung from Jove himself, - to release him. And in fullness of time the hero did arrive: none other than themighty Hercules. No higher service, thinks this radiant and masterful personage,remains to be performed than to free the champion of mankind. Hercules utters these words to the Titan —

  The soul of man can never be enslaved

  Save by its own infirmities, nor freed

  Save by its very strength and own resolve

  And constant vision and supreme endeavor!

  You will be free? Then, courage, O my brother!

  O let the soul stand in the open door

  Of life and death and knowledge and desire

  And see the peaks of thought kindle with sunrise!

  Then shall the soul return to rest no more,

  Nor harvest dreams in the dark field of sleep -

  Rather the soul shall go with great resolve

  To dwell at last upon the shining mountains

  In liberal converse with the eternal stars.

  Thereupon he kills the eagle; and sets Jove"s victim free.



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