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2022-12-05 15:29:41来源:励普网





adopt as (v.+prep.)

adopt sb as sb

1.收养,抱养 take sb into one"s family as a relation for ever; accept sb else"s child

The family have adopted three children as their own.那家收养了三个孩子。

2.选某人为… choose sb as (a representative, etc.)

We have adopted Mr. Stevens as our candidate at the next election.我们表决通过了史蒂文斯先生为我们下届选举的候选人。

He adopts his niece as his heir.他指定他的侄女为继承人。

I don"t adopt him as a friend.我不认他作朋友。

The old artist adopted me as a pupil.那老画家收我为弟子。

be adopted into (v.+prep.)

被…所收养 be taken into one"s family as a relation by sb/sth

He was adopted into a respectable family.他被一有声望的家族所收养。

He was adopted into the bride"s family.他入赘于新娘家中。

be adopted from (v.+prep.)

选自…,取自… choose or take sth from some place

This word is adopted from French.这个词来源于法语



adopt an attitude 采取一种态度

adopt the budget 通过预算

adopt Eastern forms of dress 采用东方的服装样式

adopt the homeless orphan 收养无家可归的孤儿

adopt measures 采取措施

adopt methods 采用方法

adopt the new rule 通过新章程


adopt apparently 明显地接受

adopt arbitrarily 武断地采纳,擅自采用

adopt deceitfully 不诚实地采用

adopt dogmatically 教条地搬用


1. Britain is free to adopt policies to bolster its economy.


2. Britain is to adopt a more re-strictive policy on arms sales.


3. This is not meant to delimit what approaches social researchers can adopt.


4. I tried to adopt a curled-up position to avoid damaging my limbs.


5. He was, to adopt an Americanism, "an empty suit".


6. In no way am I going to adopt any of his methods.


7. Pupils should be helped to adopt a positive approach to the environment.


8. Industry must adopt a much more proactive approach to formulating environmental policy.


9. The majority of British women adopt their husband"s surname when they marry.


10. Try to adopt a more relaxed manner.


11. a campaign to encourage childless couples to adopt


12. I move that we adopt the agenda as It"stands.


13. To achieve these ends, we must adopt the above mentioned measures.

要达到这些目的, 我们必须采取上述措施.

14. Protesters called on the government to adopt a declaration of sovereignty.


15. He tends to adopt a condescending manner when talking to young women.


相关内容: adopt短语 adopt常用短语 adopt例句


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