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尾巴用英语怎么说 尾巴的英语例句

发布时间:2022-10-25 17:09:05来源:励普网





  servile adherent


  猪尾巴 PigTail ; pig"s tail

  尾巴长度 tail length

  猫尾巴 Pussywillows Cat-Tails ; cat"s tail

  蜗牛尾巴 Snail tail ;

  驴尾巴 Donkey tail ; donkey ′ s tail


  1. When in danger, the anteater lashes its tail round a branch.


  2. It has a short stumpy tail covered with bristles.


  3. The brown rat has prominent ears and a long scaly tail.


  4. Don"t go near that lashing tail.


  5. a dog with a curly tail


  6. a dog with a kink in its tail


  7. the monkey"s prehensile tail


  8. The dog ran up, wagging its tail.


  9. A dog reacts to kindness by wagging its tail.


  10. The dog ran out with its tail wagging madly.


  11. With a lash of its tail the tiger leaped at her.


  12. This creature"s tail will regenerate if it is cut off.


  13. With a whisk of its tail, it has gone.


  14. The cow brushed off the flies with a whisk of its tail.


  15. The tiger lashed its tail around whenever anyone came near its cage.



  1. Put their tail straight up in the air.

  1. 直直地竖起尾巴

  They show this sign when they feel good at a safe place or happy. Also, they raise their tail to show themselves off. They are masters of their territories. It is as if they are saying, “I’m nice, ain’t I?”


  2. Stand hairs on end

  2. 把毛都竖起来

  They do this sign when they stand are apprehensive or aggressive. They do this to intimidate an opponent or prey. They make themselves look bigger by standing their hairs on end. Their size is important to help avoid conflict. Sometimes the cause is fear, but most of the time, they do this for attacking.


  3. Make their tail into a mountain shape

  3. 把尾巴弯成小山的形状

  They do this when they are in tension or before fighting. When there is an opportunity, they make pattern 2 and 3 in combination, which means fighting. The sign means “Do not come any closer.”


  4. Sandwich their tail between their legs

  4. 把尾巴夹在两腿之间

  This is a sign when they feel helpless fear. Sometimes they do this pose as a sign of “submission” to an opponent, whom they cannot win against at all. In addition, they make this sign when they feel sad, or when they feel extreme anxiety when they go to a new place or an animal hospital. It is one step before a panic situation. So avoid giving them stimulus.


  5. Lower their tail

  5. 尾巴下垂

  When they are disappointed because they got yelled at by their master, they are down, or they feel ill, they do this sign. You can tell their health condition with this sign.


  6. Long tail waving

  6. 大摇尾巴

  They do this sign when they find something interesting. When they feel “What"s this?”, they have a question, or they watch something, they often do this sign. Sometimes they wave their tails when they are relaxed or when they are not thinking anything.


  7. Short tail wave

  7. 摆动小半截尾巴

  This is when they are annoyed or feel bad. It can also show they are restless. It is like people shaking their leg.


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