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荔枝的英语怎么说 荔枝的英语例句

发布时间:2022-10-21 16:16:09来源:励普网


  汉语解释:荔枝(学名:Litchi chinensis Sonn.)原产于中国南部,是亚热带果树,常绿乔木,高约10米。果皮有鳞斑状突起,鲜红,紫红。果肉产鲜时半透明凝脂状,味香美,但不耐储藏。



  1. litchi;lychee


  1. It was the best time for litchi honey though.


  2. Litchi is perhaps the most delicious fruit in the world.


  3. Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley is a main pest insect on litchi and longan.



  4. You have not eaten the lichee I bought for you yet. Want some?

  我买给你吃的荔枝,你还没有吃呢, 要吃 么 ?

  5. To cure halitosis, add litchi to congee and simmer.

  要治口臭症, 荔枝与粥炖.

  6.Here are some lichees for you. They"re a specialty from my hometown.


  7.Authentic gong bao jiding should carry a little aroma of litchi . A little sweetness is a must.


  8.On his way past a fruit store he stopped and bought some fresh lichee and dragon"s eyes


  1. It was the best time for litchi honey though. 吃鲜荔枝蜜,倒是时候.

  2. Litchi is perhaps the most delicious fruit in the world. 荔枝也许是世上最鲜最美的水果.

  3. Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley is a main pest insect on litchi and longan. 荔枝蒂蛀虫是荔枝和龙眼的重要害虫.

  4. You have not eaten the lichee I bought for you yet. Want some? 我买给你吃的荔枝,你还没有吃呢, 要吃 么 ?

  5. To cure halitosis, add litchi to congee and simmer. 要治口臭症, 荔枝与粥炖.

  6. The extreme low temperature leaded to freeze injury or death of Lichi. 强低温常使荔枝树造成冻害,重者死亡.

  7. Tie - in what fruit hits litchi is juice good? Where is mango? 荔枝搭配什么水果打汁好? 芒果 呢 ?

  8. But we do not come in the litchi ripening season. 但却不是荔枝成熟的季节啊.

  9. During the summer fruIt"season, you can hand - pick leeches off trees. 在夏季水果成熟季节, 您可以亲手摘荔枝.

  10. Oh, and some lychees or honeydew melon to finish with. 哦, 最后还要买些荔枝和蜜瓜.

  11. Like ackee, cassava is a dietary staple in the tropics. 就像西非荔枝果, 木薯是热带重要食物.

  12. You, Like a ripe litchi, have branches full of borne rich fruits. 你像一株成熟的荔枝树, 挂满硕果累累.

  13. The determination of anthocyanin and its degradation index ( DI ) in lycheeare studied. 本文研究了荔枝果皮总花色 苷 及其降解指数的含量测定.

  14. There are a small brown nuclear, it is the seeds of Litchi. 里面有一颗棕色的小小核, 那是荔枝的种子.

  15. The soft white pulpy flesh of ripe custard apple is intensely sweet. 成熟后的番荔枝果肉白色柔软甘甜.

  16. Fruits ranging from loquats, lichees, longans to tangerines are in plenty. 水果是从枇杷 、 荔枝 、 龙眼,一直吃到福桔!

  17. Can Ma Lizhi eat when taking Chinese traditional medicine? 吃中药的时候可以吃麻荔枝 吗 ?

  18. Does litchi eat too much what side effect is there? 荔枝吃太多了有什么副作用?

  19. The locality at Lai Chi Wo is within Marine Park under protection. 荔枝窝的生长地点位于海岸公园内,因而受到保护.

  20. Eye: big, round eyes show his anticipation of the city. 眼睛: 大大 、 圆孕妇可以吃荔枝圆的眼睛,对未来城市充满期待.

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