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Someone Like You歌词

发布时间:2022-10-11 17:03:08来源:励普网


  阿黛尔·阿德金斯(Adele Adkins),英国流行歌手,1988年5月5日出生于伦敦托特纳姆。2008年,阿黛尔发行了首张专辑《19》。

  Adele - Someone Like You

  I heard

  that you"re settled down

  that you

  found a girl

  and your

  married now

  I heard

  that your dreams came true

  I guess she gave you things

  I didnt give to you

  oh friend

  why you so shy

  aint like you to hold back

  or hide from the light

  I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited

  but I couldn"t stay away I couldn"t fight it

  I hoped you"d see my face and be reminded

  that for me

  it isn"t over


  I"ll find someone like you

  I wish nothing but the best

  for you too

  don"t forget me

  I beg

  I"ll remember you still

  sometimes it lasts in love

  but sometimes it hurts instead

  sometimes it lasts in love

  but sometimes it hurts instead


  you know how the time flies

  only yesterday

  it was the time of our lives

  we were born and bred

  in a summer haze

  bound by the surprise

  of our glory days

  I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited

  but I couldn"t stay away I couldn"t fight it

  I hoped you"d see my face and be reminded

  that for me

  it isn"t over


  I"ll find someone like you

  I wish nothing but the best

  for you too

  don"t forget me

  I beg

  I"ll remember you still

  sometimes it lasts in love

  but sometimes it hurts instead

  nothing compares

  no worries or cares

  regrets and mistakes

  and memories made

  who would have known

  how bittersweet

  this would taste


  I"ll find someone like you

  I wish nothing but the best

  for you too

  don"t forget me

  i beg

  I"ll remember you still

  sometimes it lasts in love

  but sometimes it hurts instead


  I"ll find someone like you

  I wish nothing but the best

  for you too

  don"t forget me

  I beg

  I"ll remember you still

  sometimes it lasts in love

  but sometimes it hurts instead

  sometimes it lasts in love

  but sometimes it hurts instead

  Adele - Someone Like You Lyrics

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