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circle是什么意思 circle的英语例句

发布时间:2022-10-10 16:51:39来源:励普网





  英 ["sɜːkl]     美 ["sɜːrkl]





  The dancers were standing in a circle around the fire.


  A square has four sides but a circle has no sides.


  He has a large circle of friends.



  He is part of an exclusive social circle and belongs to an exclusive club.


  We"ve booked seats in the circle.


  收起用作动词 (v.)

  Someone had circled the next paragraph in red.


  Our army circled the desperate enemy and wiped them out in a second.


  The plane circled the airport before landing.


  The moon circles the earth every 28 days.


  The novel has reached a wide circle of readers 机器发音 这本小说已拥有广泛的读者群。

  Are we going to sit in the circle or in the stalls? 机器发音 我们是坐楼座还是正厅前排的座位?

  The reading circle had ceased its activities long ago 机器发音 这个读书会早已停止了活动。

  She first drew a circle on the board 机器发音 她首先在板上画了一个圆。

  He occupies a prominent position in the literary circles in the capital 机器发音 他在首都文学界占有突出的地位。

  Listen to the four choices, and then draw a circle under the right one 机器发音 听四个选择项,然后在正确的下面画一个圈。

  It is time to take a positive step to break the vicious circle 机器发音 现在是采取积极步骤来打击这个犯罪团伙的时候了。

  We"ve booked seats in the circle 机器发音 我们预订了楼厅包厢的座位。

  He is well-known in academic circles 机器发音 他在学术界很有名。

  I was welcomed to the family circle 机器发音 那一家人都欢迎我。

  It"s January 1st, the year has come full circle 机器发音 今天是元旦,一年又周而复始。

  He drinks to forget his problems, which center on being in debt, but the money he spends on drink only gets him deeper in debt, and so on—it"s a vicious circle 机器发音 为了忘却烦恼他喝酒,而烦恼的中心又是欠债,但他喝酒花费的钱只能使他负债更多,如此下去——那真是恶性循环。

  The house lay in a circle of trees 机器发音 这房子坐落在树木环抱之中。

  There is a vicious circle going on—prosperity, surplus, depression 机器发音 繁荣——过剩——萧条,一个恶性循环正在进行。

  She confined her activities in educational circles 机器发音 她把她的各项活动都限制在教育圈内。

  He has a large circle of friends 机器发音 他朋友多,交际广。

  They saw the birds were circling again 机器发音 他们看见鸟儿在盘又旋。

  Rumors circled through the town 机器发音 谣言传遍全镇。

  A number of planes were circling overhead 机器发音 数架飞机在上空盘旋。

  The moon circles the earth 机器发音 月亮围绕地球转。

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