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发布时间:2022-06-24 16:07:56来源:励普网




  With the development of the computer technology,the internet is becoming more and more popular.You can find computers and the internet nearly everywhere in our life,work and study.Even,the internet is becoming one of the most important parts in our social life.But, some young people,especially some of the students, are too addicted to the net surfing.They spend too much time on the games, chatting,movie seeing and even shopping online.That will not be good, even harmful for their hearts,health and their attitude towards the world,only because the internet is so complicated that it is not easy for the young people to control themselves .


  Diligence is the key to success. It means persistent work and does not mean that we are to exhaust ourselves all day and night without any rest. The true meaning of diligence is the careful use of time for the purpose of self-improvement.

  Many people strongly believe in luck, which is a serious mistake. If luck does exist, it will never fall upon lazy bones. There are also some people who think that they are far superior to others in intelligence and therefore, do not need to study hard. They are sure about their success, but too often they will be disappointed, as few of them can be successful only with their so-called cleverness.

  In fact, time is always fleeting and can never be regained. The really clever people are those who understand the importance of diligence and make it their habit, These people are on the way to success by their own efforts.


  An essential quality for young people is diligence.why?because it’s a foundation of our success.As a students,if we are indelent in our study,we won’t do very well and really understand the essence of knowledges.But once you make your greatest efforts to learn something by heart ,becoming more diligent,you could get a content grade.

  I remembered,when i was about 16 years old,i was addicted to beautiful romantic novels and neglected my study.So,in the first monthly test,my grades fell 10 ranking.Tears quietly falling,i even didn’t want to tell my mom the terrible grades.However,i still told my mom.she just comforted me, even smiling all the time.But i can’t stop crying.From then on,a clear and feasible learning plan came into my mind.i began to get up one hour earlier than before and spend the extra time to recite some English grammer rules,ancient poetries and kinds of science formulas.when in class, i didn’t fell asleep again but to concentrate on what those teachers said and make notes as detailed as possible in order to facilitate my review.

  Finally,by my remorseless great efforts,i got my satisfactory grades and in this process,i felt the happiness of hard-working.Therefore,to my mind,the most important quality for young people is diligence.


  决定成功的三种性格 Three Personalities Lead to Success

  There are no two identical people exist in the world, but most successful people are similar in many ways. Good character is the foundation of success. Most of successful people are modest, diligent and creative etc. In my opinion, being confident, honest, and persevere are the three important keys to the door of success.


  There is an old saying that confident is the first step to succeed. Suppose that a person is not confident, how he gets trust from others. A singer singing in the stage without nervous means he is confident. Public speakers express their opinions to others without tension which also means he is confident. Confidence offers people courage to overcome difficulties, what’s more, if people believe themselves, they may meet more opportunities that they had never thought about.


  The second key helps people succeed is honesty. There is no denying that most of friendships are based on honesty and most of businesses are based on friendship. Honest people are easy to get others’ respect and people often prefer to cooperate with the honest ones rather than liars. It’s obvious that no one could tolerate a friend always tell lies. China have a famous story which is about a shepherd boy who wants to play farmers and lie to them a wolf is coming. After he lies to them twice, a wolf is really appears, when he asks them for help, no one believe him anymore.

  第二个有助于成功的因素是诚实。无法否认大多数的友谊是建立于诚实的基础上,而大多数的事业是基于友谊上的。 诚实的人很容易得到别人的尊重,人们往往喜欢跟那些老实的人而不是谎话连篇的人合作。很显然,没有人能容忍一个总是说谎的朋友。中国有一个著名的关于一个牧童的故事,说的是他想戏弄农民就向他们撒谎说谎狼来了。他撒了两次谎之后,狼真的出现了,但当他求助的时候,再没有人相信他了。

  Beside what I talk about above, I consider that perseverance is an essential personality to people who want to succeed. Everyone will meet problems, but not everyone could insist. In fact, perseverance is another attitude which belongs to optimistic. A famous saying is that difficulty is like a spring which weakens in face of a strong-willed but strengthens in face of a faint-hearted. When people run into problems, as long as they persevere, they will be closed to success.


  To conclusion, everyone has his personality. Kindhearted people make others feel warm, and humorous guys bring happiness to people; enthusiastic ones could easy be on good terms with others. Sometimes people’s personality decide who they are, even who they want to be.



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