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爆破用英语怎么说 爆破的英文

2023-08-10 15:51:16来源:励普网


blow up
demolish (using explosives)

Blow out; have a flat tyre
爆裂;爆破;吹熄The insulation tester made by Nitro Nobel permits direct measurement on blasting sites without any risk whatsoever
诺贝尔炸药公司生产的绝缘检验器,能够用来在爆破地点直接进行量测而没有任何危险。Our tires do not puncture easily.
我们的轮胎不易爆破。O remove the fuse from (an explosive device).
从(爆破装置)中卸除引信The force of the blast dashed him against the wall of the cave
爆破的冲击波使他撞在洞壁上。The police were reported to have blasted their way into the house using explosives.
据报道,警方借助爆破冲进了房子。The force of the blast dashed him against the wall of the cave.
爆破力使他猛撞在山洞的墙上。The use of underwater blasting to demolish the wrack in a waterway is a rapid, effective and economical means.
水下爆破清理航道沉船是一种快速、有效、经济的手段。For demolition work, a safe but fluid or fluent explosive of good sensitivity may be needed
对于爆破,需要具有良好感度、安全的流体或流动炸药。Throw is usually taken to mean the unexpected outward projection of stones from blasting.

v. 吹,刮;吹动;吹响;吹出;(使)爆炸;泄露;开花;吹牛
n. 重击;打击;吹动;吹牛;开花

It is blowing hard.
风刮得很大。 do not deny that is a serious blow.
我不否认那是严重的一击。He goes for a blow.

v. 毁坏,破坏;拆除;推翻,打败;废除

To level to the ground;demolish.
夷平,拆毁变为平地;拆毁 We must demolish this contention.
我们一定要彻底驳倒这种言论。I"ll demolish the limits.

pron. 我们

It is used as a reflexive.
它被作为反身代词使用。That was a balk to us.
那对我们是个挫折。They help us to be maximal encouraging to us.

相关内容: 爆破用英语怎么说 励普网


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