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进度的英语怎么说 进度的英文

2023-07-31 09:02:44来源:励普网


degree of advancment

It does not stop the proceedings, and the application does not freeze.
无须停止进度,应用程序也不会冻结。To Accelerate the Export Tax Rebate Process
加快出口退税进度And he is most displeased with your apparent lack of progress
而他对你的进度十分不满意His boss was dissatisfied with his tardy progress.
老板对他缓慢的进度不满意。Keep up the steady progress.
依目前的情形让进度继续下去。The company asked us to quicken the pace of the project.
公司要我们加快工程的进度。Release work order, close work order in time, monitor work order process.
工单的下达,及时关闭,及进度的监控。 We were two months behind schedule, and already over budget.
我们的进度晚了两个月,而且已经超出了预算。bronchitis com-bined with the punishing schedule of the march had finally taken its toll
支气管炎加上累人的长征进度终于让他付出了代价。Thanks to his polyglot aptitude, he made rapid progress

n. 阶层;度;学位;程度

(degree of)importance,seriousness or influence
重要性、严重性或影响力(的程度) current amplification degree
电流放大率 These universities are entitled to grant degrees.

n. 速度,速率;快速,迅速
v. 迅速前进,快行;促进;加速,使加速

The speed of a train differs greatly from the speed of an airplane
火车的速度与飞机的速度大不相同。The car is gaining speed.
那辆轿车正在加速。The worker is timing the speed of the machine.

相关内容: 进度的英语怎么说 励普网


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