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摩登的英文怎么说 modern是什么意思

2023-08-28 10:51:44来源:励普网



fashionable; modern

Smart and high-class products
摩登精品Super, modem, pretty and romantic
超级、摩登、俊俏、罗曼蒂克Her hair style brands her as modern fashioned
她的发型使她显得摩登。A smart and high-class product, a completely new experience, a token of status.
摩登精品,全新感受,身份象征。Smart and high-class dress, a new token of noBle status.
摩登精晶服装,华贵身份新象征。In or characteristic of this unconventionally modern style.
摩登的穿这种非传统的现代样式的,或以这种非传统的现代式样为特征的An unconventionally modern style of fashionable dress originating in England in the1960"s.
摩登派于20世纪60年代始于英国的一种非传统的现代样式的时髦服装The only humans in the list are in the form of The Flinstones, Popeye and The Wacky Races.
只有动画片《摩登原始人》、《大力水手》和《搞怪赛车》中的人类形象榜上有名。"The only humans in the list are in the form of The Flinstones, Popeye and The Wacky Races."

adj. 时髦的,流行的;上流社会的

Fashion collection
时装展销 He is the fashion.
他是红人。 Fashion and tech together or pure fashion, the choice is yours!
时尚和科技的结合或者完全的时尚,这是你的选择!The fashion show was a technicolour extravaganza.
那时装表演是艳丽色彩的大汇展。It is also versatile and fashionable.

adj. 现代的;现代化的,新式的;新潮的,时髦的
n. 现代人,现代主义者;时髦人士

The abacus is the ancestor of the modern computer.
算盘是现代电脑的原型。Modern inventions facilitate housework.
许多现代发明便利了家务劳动。International competition was a spur to modernization.
国际竞争是实现现代化的动力。There are no certainties in modern Europe.
当代欧洲没有什么是确定无疑的。In or characteristic of this unconventionally modern style.

相关内容: 摩登的英文怎么说 励普网


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