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英语数字怎么读 Hundreds百数

2023-08-25 11:28:51来源:励普网



When expressing large numbers (more than one hundred) read in groups of hundreds. The order is as follows: billion, million, thousand, hundred. Notice that hundred, thousand, etc. is NOT followed by an ‘s’. Two hundred NOT two hundreds.在读较大的数字(超过一百)时,可以整百整百地读。顺序如下:十亿、百万、千、百。注意,百、千等后面不用加-s。两百(two hundred)不要读作two hundreds。

NOTE: British English takes "and" between "hundred and ..." American English omits "and". In the examples below, this is represented by (AND).注意:英式英语在一百后面的数之前会加and,而美式英语则会省略。在下面的例子中,就有and的用法。


350 – three hundred (AND) fifty

425 – four hundred (AND) twenty five

873 - eight hundred (AND) seventy three

112 - one hundred (AND) twelve


15,560 – fifteen thousand five hundred (AND) sixty

786,450 – seven hundred (AND) six thousand four hundred (AND) fifty

342,713 - three hundred (AND) forty-two thousand seven hundred (AND) thirteen

569,045 - five hundred (AND) sixty nine thousand forty-five


2,450,000 – two million four hundred (AND) fifty thousand 234,700,000 或者two hundred (AND) thirty-four million seven hundred thousand

Speaking About Numbers关于数字

Numbers are read in a specific manner in English. Read numbers in groups of three in the following manner in English:英语中数字的读法有一套具体的规则。在下面的数字中,分三组读出来。

million, thousand, hundred百万,千,万

2,350,400 => two million three hundred (AND) fifty thousand four hundred

NOTE - Remember: Use ‘and’ only between hundreds in British English. American English leaves the ‘and’ out.注意:记住,在英式英语中,只有在百位数中间才使用and。美式英语中则不用and。


Read decimals as the given number point XYZ根据给出的数字读出小数

2.36 - two point three six

14.82 - fourteen point eight two

9.7841 -nine point seven eight four one

3.14159 - three point one four one five nine

相关内容: 英语数字怎么读 励普网


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