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关于万圣节的英文资料 万圣节的英文资料

2023-03-09 10:38:43来源:励普网

随着社会越来越发达,大家都选择在网络上汲取相关知识内容,比如关于万圣节的英文资料 万圣节的英文资料,为了更好的解答大家的问题,小编也是翻阅整理了相应内容,下面就一起来看一下吧!




  Next to Christmas, Halloween is the most commercialized celebration in the United States and Canada. This ancient festival originated far from North America however, and centuries before the first European set foot on the continent. One of these festivals was called Samhain (pronounced Sha-Von) and it took place on October 31 through to November 1. During this period, it was believed that the boundaries between our world and the world of the dead were weakened, allowing spirits of the recently dead to cross over and possess the living.

  In Ireland, they originally also used turnips for their Jack Lanterns, but upon arriving in the new world, they discovered that pumpkins were abundant and easier to carve out. This yearly festival was adopted by the Roman invaders, who helped to propagate (传播, 宣传)it throughout the rest of the world (and at that time, the Roman Empire was the world).liuxue86.com

  The word Halloween itself actually comes from a contraction of All Hallows Eve, or All Saint‘s Day (November 1), which is a Catholic day of observance in honor of saints. This tradition was later brought to the North American continent by Irish immigrants who were escaping the Potato Famine in their homeland. In addition to the festival itself, the immigrants brought several customs with them, including one of the symbols most commonly associated with Halloween -- the Jack ‘O Lantern.


  1.you never know what might happen on halloween. wait until dark for some spooky surprises. the creatures of the night are waiting. to my dear pal, have a howling halloween!

  2.trick or treat what it will be? wishing you a happy halloween!

  3.my halloween"s happy when i freak out with you! happy halloween to you my friend!

  4.it"s hell lot of fun when i"m with you! happy halloween to you!

  5.hope your halloween is masked with spooky fun just as mine.

  6.thank you for your very special wish. happy halloween!

  7.thank you for making my halloween so special.

  8.thank you for making my cauldrons full of fun! happy halloween!

  9.your smile lights up our world! wishing you a halloween bright and glowing as you are!

  10.it"s halloween time to dress up in your spookiest best and grab all the fun! hope it"s lit up with smiles for you! happy halloween!


相关内容: 关于万圣节的英文资料 节假日资讯


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