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零部件的英文 参考例句

2023-08-31 15:34:53来源:励普网



components and parts

Naturally all parts are replaceable,and our quotation includes prices of spare parts.
当然,所有部件均可更换,我方报价包括零部件的价格。C Unify its laws, regulations and standards applied to domestic and imported automobiles and parts
-统一适用于国产和进口汽车和零部件的法律、法规和标准。They enable the car to change the direction by means of turning and moving forth and Back.
这些零部件前后移动或转动,可以使汽车改变运行方向。A crate of car components
一箱汽车零部件.It is estimated that there parts will last you two years of operation.
这些零部件可供贵公司使用两年。The company is subcontracting production of most of the parts.
该公司外包了大部分零部件的生产。All these parts were machined strictly to specification
所有这些零部件都是严格地按技术要求加工制造的。"For service any of these components, refer to the shop manual on the model and make of car being worked on."
维修这些零部件时,应查阅厂家同类型和品牌产品的使用说明书。 Glossary of terms for railway locomotive--Names of component parts for diesel engine
GB/T3367.1-1982铁路机车名词术语柴油机零部件名称 There is a drive both to standardise components and to reduce the number of models on offer.

n. 构成要素;零件;成分
adj. 组成的;构成的

time change component
定时更换的部件 Create component as new on the descendent.
创建新的派生组件. A computer consists of thousands of components.
电脑由成千上万个部件组成。These are the component parts of that machine.
这些是那台机器的零组件。Is a single component analysis sufficient or is it desirable to do a multi-component analysis?

相关内容: 零部件的英文 励普网


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