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发布时间:2022-03-23 08:57:16来源:励普教育

雅思大作文写作范文示例!2022年3月19日雅思大作文题目Many cities replace farmlands and parks with houses. Is it a positive or negative development?



To meet the growing demand for housing, many cities occupy farmlands and parks for establishing residential areas. However, I regard this trend as short-sighted and detrimental.


Urbanisation/ Urban planning母题下的题目。联系现实,就目前大多数城市而言,农田可以舍弃,农场通常被迁到外部郊区;考虑到去年连出那么多现当代人缺乏运动的题,公园自然不可舍弃。

Body 1

This development has some positive effects. To commence, such a policy can to some extent alleviate the tension of house shortage in some cities. With the sea of people flooding into metropolises for the sake of seeking greater employment possibilities and a higher standard of living, the demand for house supply is increasing at an overwhelming rate. To offer those migrants shelter, the government thus has to construct more residential structures by removing farms which can be relocated to the outskirts and continue to yield crops and vegetables for food security. Besides, since urbanisation is an inevitable and irreversible trend, relocation of farmlands can make the area more fit the overall image of the modernised metropolitan city.


好处:1. 外来人口增多,导致住房紧缺,这个问题可以得以缓解;2. 农田迁出,使城市规划更统一

Ø alleviate vt. 缓解

Ø tension n. 紧张局势

Ø flood vi. 大量到达

Ø metropolis n. 大都市

Ø shelter n.[U] 住处

Ø yield vt. 生产,产出

Body 2

However, the detriments that this development has must not be overlooked. This is mainly because the removal of parks may exert a negative impact on citizens’ level of health. As one of the fundamental parts of amenities, parks usually function as the places for residents’ physical exercises and other leisure activities. Once the parks are demolished, there will be either instances where people lead a sedentary lifestyle and further lack the awareness of exercising or instances where people find nowhere to release their pressure and smell the roses, thus incurring the declining level of health. Additionally, it is the parks with a high greening rate that absorb exhaust fumes and provide green shade.



Ø overlook vt. 忽视,忽略

Ø exert vt. 施加

Ø amenity n. <常作 amenities>生活福利设施;便利设施

Ø demolish vt. 拆毁,拆除(建筑物)

Ø sedentary adj. 久坐不动的

Ø smell the roses享受自然之美


In light of the above, it is justifiable to provide citizens with shelter by substituting places of residence for farmlands, but public facilities like parks should be maintained.

相关内容: 雅思写作 雅思大作文写作范文 雅思写作备考


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