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垃圾食品的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-07-18 08:59:14来源:励普网


junk food

Junk food hurts children.
垃圾食品危害孩子们(的健康)。Junk food is what Americans call good that is not healthy.
垃圾食品是美国人对不健康食品的叫法。 Junk Food is fooling people into overeating.
垃圾食品热量高 不知不觉长体重。Our system of appetite control is completely unpicked by the junk food diet."
我们的食欲控制系统完全被垃圾食品搞乱了。”The trend has been blamed on junk food and lack of exercise.
人们把青少年超重的趋势归咎于"垃圾食品"和缺乏锻炼。Two terms that are bandied about by the concerned consumer are "empty calories "and "junk foods"
“无热量”和“垃圾食品”是关心食品的消费者谈论的两个术语。The public outcries about empty calorie and junk foods have been loud and frequent.
公众关于无热量和垃圾食品的抗议声已经很强烈,也很频繁。He went out after consuming his ration of junk food and two cigarettes.
他像往常那样吃完垃圾食品、吸了两根烟后出门了。Actually, we deplore the use of the terms junk foods and empty calories. Why? Because we seldom eat a single food.

n. 无用的东西,垃圾食品,中国式帆船
v. 把…当作废物扔弃

There is a motley collection of junk.
有一堆各式各样的废旧杂物。Junk food hurts children.
垃圾食品危害孩子们(的健康)。A collection of junk,rubbish,etc
一堆废旧物品、垃圾等Junk Food is fooling people into overeating.
垃圾食品热量高 不知不觉长体重。The junk laid by, drifting gently with the current.

n. 食物,食品;养料

Will this food keep?
这食品能放得住吗?They are famishing for food.
他们因缺乏食物而正在挨饿。Do you know where to buy dog food, rabbit food, and cat food?
你知道在那里买狗粮,兔粮,跟猫粮吗?Do you know where to buy dog food, rabbit food, and cat food?
你知道在那里买狗粮,兔粮,跟猫粮吗?Do you prefer northern food or southern food?

相关内容: 垃圾食品的英文怎么说 励普网


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