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配方的英文怎么说 配方的英文

2023-08-21 16:06:33来源:励普网




rubber formulary
橡胶配方手册Unique formulation.
独特配方There have been problems with the formulation of the vaccine.
疫苗的配方有些问题。A tricky recipe.
需小心操作的配方silicon series prescription
硅系配方The pharmacist dispensed the prescription with great care.
药剂师精心配方。The preferred compositions are the highly nitroplasticized nitrocellulose binder compositions
较好的配方是那些高硝基增塑的硝化棉粘合剂配方。Association of Infant Formula Manufacturers
婴儿配方奶制造商协会 The expert consultation department of our hospital has its own exclusive prescription to treat headache.
治疗头痛,本院专家门诊有独特的配方。Application of silicon series prescription to circulating water treatment

n. 规定,指定;规定性的东西

How are prescription drug and blame prescription drug divisional?
处方药与非处方药怎么区分的?Not in accord with the rules of a prescriptive grammar.
不合语法的不符合规定的语法规则的The prescription of drugs is a doctor"s responsibility.
开药方是医生的职责。To become invalidated or unenforceable by the process of prescription.
因法定期限完结而丧失权利或不可执行Take this prescription to the dispensary for your medicine.

n. 构想;配方;表述;公式化

They will formulate that final position as this.
他们将规划像这样的最后立场。There have been problems with the formulation of the vaccine.
疫苗的配方有些问题。Is the design of formulation effective?
公式化的设计有效吗?Einstein formulated the Theory of Relativity in 1905.
爱因斯坦于 1905 年创立了相对论。to compound; to make up; to mix ... for; to formulate

相关内容: 配方的英文怎么说 励普网


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