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油菜的英文 参考例句

2023-07-07 11:19:11来源:励普网


rapeseed plant
canola plant
common vegatable with a dark green leaf

The seed of the rape plant.
油菜籽油菜类植物的果实。The fields are under wheat, rape and other crops.
地里种着小麦、油菜及其他作物。Wheat, rape and other crops are grown in the fields
地里种着小麦、油菜及其他作物。In the southern part of the country wheat is earing and rapeseed is in bloom.
南国的小麦正在抽穗,油菜正在开花。Our preference is for a cereal rather than rape, except perhaps on upland reseeds
除了在高地重播,我们情愿选谷物而不种油菜。It will grow in a wide range of soil and climatic conditions provided the soil is well drained and pH is over 6.0.

n. 油菜籽

In the southern part of the country wheat is earing and rapeseed is in bloom.
南国的小麦正在抽穗,油菜正在开花。As a new oilseed resource, the double - low rapeseed has an extensive prospect in the application.
双低油菜籽作为一种新的油料资源, 具有广阔的应用前景。

n. 植物;工厂;机器设备
v. 栽种;播种;布置;插入

A bur of this plant.
这种植物的刺果 They are planted for hedges.
它们种起来当作篱笆。This is a precocious plant.

n. 一种菜籽油
CANadian Oil, Low Acid

相关内容: 油菜的英文 励普网


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