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短信的英文是什么 短信的的英文例句

2023-04-14 09:08:29来源:励普网

随着社会越来越发达,大家都选择在网络上汲取相关知识内容,比如短信的英文是什么 短信的的英文例句,为了更好的解答大家的问题,小编也是翻阅整理了相应内容,下面就一起来看一下吧!


  短信:Short Message Service,简称SMS,是用户通过手机或其他电信终端直接发送或接收的文字或数字信息,用户每次能接收和发送短信的字符数,是160个英文或数字字符,或者70个中文字符。那么,你知道短信的的英文是什么吗?



  short message

  text message




  He received a note which ran as follows.


  Be able to receive and send SMS, long SMS handling, SMS group sending, and can extract the phone number of text messages, new voice prompt messages, SMS, or delete operation.


  Common junk messages include advertisements, swindles, information on illegal selling of vehicles, weapons or fake diplomas, and short message services(SMS) that users never signed up for.


  Have you received my message?


  Because while waiting for him, I was texting another friend on my mobile!


  While on the road you will be able to email or SMS in questions to it and get backimmediate intelligent answers.



  If you have to use it, send texts.


  It would be, like, Yeah, so today I detonated a bunker filled with snipers, and then I texted my boyfriend, and I agreed that we should only use cerulean for anaccent wall.


  But I do, of course, need everyone else to respond to my emails, texts and callsright away.


  Even if you send me your new contact data as text in a message I still have tocopy page each line to my AddressBook.


  How do you and your texting habits compare?


  But can there be any sense in texting toddlers?


  After all, we are all professional writers in this era of texting, blogging andtweeting.


  But when we looked into messaging trends by sexuality, we were very surprised at what we found.


  Plus, you can be set up to send SMS or email alerts when people mention yourbrand.


  Do we really need to read all those articles online, all those messages fromothers, all those newspapers and magazines?


  When a call or text comes in during sex, 5 percent of respondents said theyglance to see who is calling and 1 percent say they stop to answer the phone.


  He texted his daughter to find out how her mother was.


  Am I too complacent about all the texting?


  More than seven in ten (71 per cent) text their friends and family and 31 per centuse social networking sites while just 27 per cent now use email as their primarymeans of contact.


  First, she notes, "Most people do know how to write in complete words andsentences, but they may simply be forgetting to switch gears between texting theirfriends and writing a report to a boss.


  "You have no idea how bad I want to cut loose and party, and there's about eighttexts (messages) saying, `Do not drink, do not party, '" he said.


  Upon texting, the videos will be sent immediately via satellite to a digital recorderconnected to a television.

相关内容: 短信的英文是什么


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