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toothbrush的复数和用法例句 toothbrush的复数例句

2023-03-24 09:34:16来源:励普网

最近这段时间总有小伙伴问小编toothbrush的复数和用法例句 toothbrush的复数例句是什么,小编为此在网上搜寻了一些有关于toothbrush的复数和用法例句 toothbrush的复数例句的知识送给大家,希望能解答各位小伙伴的疑惑。






  1. My sister has two toothbrushes.


  2. I have seen that two toothbrushes are on the tableware frame.


  3. They would take a chip, walk past the toothbrushes and get dip.

  他们会去取根薯条, 走过牙刷,去蘸酱.

  4. Fruit knife, knives, gifts of knives, such as electric toothbrushes.

  水果刀, 餐刀, 礼品工艺刀, 电动牙刷等.

  5. I mean, how many toothbrushes does a guy need?


  6. Do you stock Oral - B toothbrushes?

  你们有欧乐 — B牌牙刷 吗 ?

  7. What kind of toothbrushes would you like?


  8. More people use blue toothbrushes, than red ones.


  9. The only things the thieves hadn"t taken were my razor and our twotoothbrushes!


  10. He was 68 then , and suddenly decided there was more to life thantoothbrushes.


  11. Update toothbrush storage means to avoid cross - infection betweentoothbrushes to ensure toothbrush hygiene.

  更新牙刷存放方式,避免牙刷间的 交叉感染,保证牙刷卫生.

  12. Two Glister toothbrushes with protective caps, one Glister Fluoride Toothpaste ( Sample size ), and one Travel Pouch.

  健齿牙刷连牙刷套两支 、 健 齿氟素牙膏旅行装乙支及便利携带袋乙个.

  13. Let your toothbrushes soak in a cup of Peroxide to keep them free of germs.


  14. Dentists say it is important to find soft toothbrushes made especially for babies.


  15. When we looked closer, we could see our two toothbrushes in the toilet bowl.

  当我们看清楚, 我们可以看到,我们两国在牙刷如厕.

相关内容: toothbrush的复数和用法例句


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