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习俗用英语怎么说 习俗的英语说法

2023-03-14 09:28:04来源:励普网

随着社会越来越发达,大家都选择在网络上汲取相关知识内容,比如习俗用英语怎么说 习俗的英语说法,为了更好的解答大家的问题,小编也是翻阅整理了相应内容,下面就一起来看一下吧!







  社会习俗 social conventions ; Social Custom ; social usage ; social mores

  服饰习俗 custom in dress ; clothing folklore ; clothing tradition ; costume customs

  当地习俗 Local Customs

  丧葬习俗 The Funeral Customs ; funeral traditions ; funeral custom ; funeral customs

  习俗语 idioms and colloquialisms ; institutionalized expressions

  民族习俗 National customs ; national practice ; national conventions ; national custom

  信仰习俗 belief ; belief customs ; belief custom ; belief and custom


  1. Let"s face it — drinking is a socially acceptable habit.


  2. The married women of Shitamachi maintained the custom of blackening their teeth.


  3. This custom was still current in the late 1960s.


  4. Tradition dictates that girls should be married off early.


  5. The practice of religion in America sometimes seems strange to European eyes.


  6. Many of its practices seem anachronistic.


  7. The women wore veils in deference to the customs of the country.


  8. Evening dress is de rigueur at the casino.


  9. the tradition of kissing under the mistletoe


  10. a taboo on working on a Sunday


  11. This practice has remained unaltered for centuries.


  12. This custom has been carried down from the 18 th century.


  13. He steeped himself in the traditions of the English countryside.


  14. Do abolish this kind of bad evil.


  15. This is a time - honored custom.



  Preparation of the Christmas cake


  This was an English tradition which started centuries ago. On Christmas eve, plum porridge was served to the people. As years passed, various other things like dry fruits, honey and spices were used. Soon this porridge got replaced with the Christmas cake. Christmas cakes are made using eggs, butter, confections, fruits, etc. Today a Christmas cake is an integral part of a Christmas menu.


  Sending gifts to loved ones


  This tradition comes from the story of the three wise men who got gifts for baby Jesus on Christmas. Every Christmas, gifts are exchanged among loved ones, especially children. The story of Santa Claus also comes from this tradition.


  Decorating the Christmas tree


  This refers to the tradition of decorating a pine tree using lights, tinsels, garlands, ornaments, candy canes, etc. Today, a Christmas tree is an indispensable part of Christmas celebration.


  Lighting up the Christmas candle


  This refers to the tradition of placing a lighted candle outside houses during the Christmas season. A candle signifies hope as it brings light even to the darkest room. In the earlier times, when Christians were persecuted, they were not allowed to practice prayers. Hence, a single candle used to be placed outside the house as a sign that Christian prayers were being conducted inside.


  Singing Christmas carols


  It refers to the age-old custom of enchanting a number of traditional Christmas songs during the Christmas season. It adds to the joy and fun to the atmosphere. Different Christmas hymns or carols like The First Noel, Jingle Bells, Joy to the world, etc are sung every Christmas as a part of the Christmas celebration.


  Making of Cribs


  This is yet another age-old tradition of Christmas. A crib refers to the Nativity Scene that is prepared using small statues. The first crib ever was made outside a church of St. Francis of Assisi for children to show them how the Nativity scene was like. Since then, this tradition became very popular.


  Distributing Christmas candies


  This is one of the most wonderful traditions of all. Christmas candies are distributed to neighbors during the Yuletide season. On the day of Christmas, all misunderstandings and grudges are forgotten and the community comes together to celebrate the birth of Christ.


  These traditions have been carried out for decades, yet they are celebrated with more and more exuberance each year. The level of excitement has never gone down. It just keeps getting better and better with time.


相关内容: 俗用 英语 怎么 习俗 英文翻译


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