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主板英文怎么说 主板的英语说法

2023-02-03 09:18:32来源:励普网

最近这段时间总有小伙伴问小编主板英文怎么说 主板的英语说法是什么,小编为此在网上搜寻了一些有关于主板英文怎么说 主板的英语说法的知识送给大家,希望能解答各位小伙伴的疑惑。






  master leaf


  主板尺寸 Physical Stats

  电梯主板 elevator-mainboard

  主板书 main board writing

  主板裂 Main Board Crack

  补焊主板 Mend weld Main Board

  主板母板 mother board


  1. First, the socket type of the mother board must be known.

  首先, 主板的原装型号一定要知道.

  2. The same notebook series can useseveral different ( and incompatible ) motherboards.

  同一系列笔记本电脑可以使用几种不同的 ( 和不兼容 ) 主板.

  3. Product of monitor, optical storage, advocate board begin large - scale fight.

  显示器 、 光存储产品 、 主板开始大规模争斗.

  4. Such requirement is advocate board did not make a demand.


  5. Upgrading a motherboard in notebooks is complicated and could get very expensive.


  6. Yes, the processors are soldered to the motherboard ( bottom shown here ).

  是的, 该处理器是焊接到主板 ( 这里显示的底部 ).

  7. Gang expresses, board the enterprise upgrades likely in the future board.

  姚刚表示, 创业板企业将来有可能升级到主板.

  8. Motherboard to provide 4 memory slots to support dual - channel 800.


  9. The CPU motherboard module is the monolithic integrated circuit control system"s core.


  10. A multiprocessor backplane bus contains a separate Internet network.


  11. They added these circuit boards to the computer main board.


  12. It communicates with the main board by a serial line.


  13. In order to install the heatsink, motherboard removal would be required.

  为了要安装散热器, 主板移动会被需要.

  14. Use shipping box from new motherboardto return the old one.


  15. The London Stock Exchange ( LSE ) has been the big beneficiary.


相关内容: 主板 英文 怎么 英文翻译 例句 电脑 机箱 主板 又叫 主机板


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