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漂浮地铁英文版歌词 漂浮地铁

2023-01-10 09:41:32来源:励普网

随着社会越来越发达,大家都选择在网络上汲取相关知识内容,比如漂浮地铁英文版歌词 漂浮地铁,为了更好的解答大家的问题,小编也是翻阅整理了相应内容,下面就一起来看一下吧!




  When there’s still you on the other side of Earth

  When the world is raining I remain here

  Travelling through people whatever the weather is

  But the day we spent had become memory

  How much effort had love wasted a heart

  God had told me that I should see more things

  Wandering in the future without destinations

  I hold in my heart the only drop of tear

  We are half a world away

  Let me on the floating train to keep on going

  And have you in thinking

  We are half a world away

  Time took everything but left behind a mystery

  He wants me to go with the wind

  A mile of recollection floats and turns into air

  How much should hands suffer to play the piano

  A dream separated on two sides still has its meanings

  To which place I fly does not matter

  Through the night, I fly across the sea

  Anywhere on the map has my stay for a night

  The past says, don’t come back

  Maybe I could

  Half a world away

  Let me on the floating train, missing you

  And forget about you

  We are half a world away

  Have another glance at the sky but it’s without you

  Like the wind among the clouds

  A later me recalled the one that had been you

  Come back to me

  We are half a world away

  All the rain later is like playing the piano

  So pretty and with so much pain



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