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小组讨论英语怎么说 小组讨论的英语说法

2023-01-06 09:09:41来源:励普网

提起小组讨论英语怎么说 小组讨论的英语说法大家在熟悉不过了,被越来越多的人所熟知,那你知道小组讨论英语怎么说 小组讨论的英语说法吗?快来和小编一起去了解一下吧!




  panel discussion


  Group Discussion


  形式化小组讨论 formalistic group discussion

  课堂小组讨论 group discussion

  选题小组讨论 nominal group discussion ;


  1. The class separated into several smaller groups to talk about the subject.


  2. Group discussion is also immensely helpful in convincing patients that they can choose a course that feels right to them.


  3. The discussion group is another effective means for expanding vocational awareness.


  4. METHODES Using methods such as literature, specialist consultation, panel discussion, etc.

  方法采用文献检索 、 专家咨询 、 小组讨论相结合的方法,收集信息 、 分析评估.

  5. The class was separated into several smaller groups to about the subject.


  6. A: When are we going to have the group discussion?

  我们什 麽 时候要小组讨论?

  7. We _________ ourselves ________ several groups to discuss our plan.


  8. After listening, can you introduce one of them to the class?

  小组讨论, 介绍听力材料中的其中一个人物.

  9. Develop the students"ability to appreciate others"jobs through group discussion.


  10. Advertising campaigns are deeply researched via small discussion groups.


  11. The students divide into several small groups to talk about the subject.


  12. Lecturing , case study , role playing , games, test, group discussion.

  专家讲授、研讨 、 活动体验、量表测验 、 小组讨论.

  13. Essay # 2 due; bring 3 copies for small group workshops; theory handout.

  8缴交文章 # 2; 带3份复印内容到课堂上给小组讨论工作坊; 理论讲义.

  14. In group discussions, John is always quick on the trigger.

  在小组讨论会上, 约翰总是反应敏捷,争先发言.

  15. Result Medical students accepted the manner of focus group discussions.


相关内容: 小组 讨论 英语 怎么 小组 讨论 只在 间的 成员 相互


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