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俱乐部的英文是什么 词语辨析

2022-12-13 10:08:05来源:励普网

随着社会越来越发达,大家都选择在网络上汲取相关知识内容,比如俱乐部的英文是什么 词语辨析,为了更好的解答大家的问题,小编也是翻阅整理了相应内容,下面就一起来看一下吧!





  n. 俱乐部,社团;夜总会;棍棒;(扑克牌中的)梅花

  vt. 用棍棒打;募集

  vi. 集资;组成俱乐部

  adj. 俱乐部的

  n. (Club)人名;(英)克拉布


  institute, society, association, union, club, league这组词都有“社团,会社,协会”的意思,其区别是:

  institute 指为专门的目标而建立的学会或研究所。

  society 可与association换用,但前者的宗旨更严格,会员之间联系更紧密,活动更积极。

  association 指较为正式的组织,强调兴趣和需要的一致性。

  union 多指工会,也指学会或协会。

  club 表俱乐部或会社,其成员因志同道合,有共同兴趣、爱好而组织到一起进行社交、娱乐或体育等活动。

  league 指为了共同的目的和利益而组成的社团、同盟或联合会。


  1. The financially-troubled club announced last Friday that Todd will relinquish his executive role on 1 January.

  2. It was a club of English Alvis owners on a ramble through the countryside.

  3. Meanwhile, winger Nabil El Zhar has joined Greek club PAOK on a season-long loan.

  4. Phillips" war coverage secured her the Atlanta Press Club"s National Reporter of the Year for 2007.

  5. By the first decade of the twenty-first century, I could no longer swing a golf club.

  6. The 9, 000-square-foot teen club Vibe (ages 14 to 17) steps it up even further.

  7. Both hotels are located in modern downtown high-rises and offer upscale steakhouses, spas and club levels.

  8. Shimizu started with the Budget Inn and Tour Club, two wildly popular backpacker guesthouses in Kyoto.

  9. Leeds coach Neil Back explained the departures would allow the club to rebuild for next season.

  10. In 1996, Virginia Republican Tom Bliley threw a charity tourney at his hometown country club.

  11. The threat of a points deduction has not stopped the League Two club attracting new players.

  12. And Elliott believes there is still plenty of time for the club to mount a promotion challenge.

  13. As well as the managerial merry-go-round, the club has also seen a huge change in player personnel.

  14. The plush red armchairs and couches at the Biere Club invite sinking in and staying a while.

  15. Like Arbor Brewing Company and the Biere Club, they showcase brewing tanks as part of their decor.

  16. Clark, chairman Dean Hoyle and chief executive Nigel Clibbens all deny talking to the Premier League club.

  17. The club, who have a Company Voluntary Arrangement, had a meeting with their creditors cancelled last Friday.

  18. We could lose our most productive worker, maybe even have to close the club for a while.

  19. His club career started at Wasps, and he went on to play for Bedford, Gloucester, Worcester and Harlequins.

  20. Former club insiders say McMorris favored management by committee, avoiding tough decisions as he tried to please everyone.

  21. He will also be the favorite at the upcoming U.S. Open at Merion Golf Club.

  22. In football, Croatia"s club sides have been unable to compete with the top sides in Europe.

  23. They checked in to the Coral Stone Club and celebrated with Cristal champagne and Cuban cigars.

  24. Young things dressed in small things gather at Jean Georges or at the Whampoa Club.

  25. It follows a backlash on social media when the club unveiled designs on Wednesday.

  26. The club, saddled with a declining 36-year-old for another six years, undoubtedly regrets that decision now.

  27. Paula White, 44, a director of Chester City football club, is also charged with money laundering.

  28. Zayatte volleyed Hull in front from a corner for his first goal for the club.

  29. Rather than issue more equity, Lending Club invited current investors to sell their shares.

  30. Rangers Football Club may not be in administration because of a legal technicality, it has emerged.




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