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丝瓜的英语怎么说 丝瓜的英语例句

2022-11-28 16:52:00来源:励普网

随着社会越来越发达,大家都选择在网络上汲取相关知识内容,比如丝瓜的英语怎么说 丝瓜的英语例句,为了更好的解答大家的问题,小编也是翻阅整理了相应内容,下面就一起来看一下吧!


  汉语解释:丝瓜(学名:Luffa cylindrica),珠江三角洲丝瓜特指八角瓜,是原产于印度的一种葫芦科植物,又称菜瓜,在东亚地区被广泛种植。那么,你知道丝瓜的英语怎么说吗?

  中文: 丝瓜


  luffa; towel gourd; sponge cucumber; sponge gourd ;



  A kind of gourd called the luffa is used to make sponges.


  Allow me to tell you something about the loofah.


  Luffa is not just people as well.


  Luffa strong vitality is one of the characteristics.



  How do you prevent loofah from turning black?


  Why do you suppose a man would be ashamed of having a loofah?


  Li said that every year he will buy seeds of loofah and plant them in spring.


  The dried,fibrous part of the loofa fruit,used as a washing sponge or as a filter.


  Towel Gourd and Bean Curd Thick Soup


  Experiment in the Vegetable Gourd Cultivars, Sowing Date and Planting Density

  1. After a bath or shower rub down the whole body with a loofah. 在洗澡或淋浴后,用丝瓜络按摩身体。

  2. What pharmacodynamics effect does pink of towel gourd seed have? 丝瓜籽粉有什么药理作用?

  3. Mom and I took off the towel gourd harvest of joy. 我和妈妈带着丰收的喜悦摘下了丝瓜.

  4. The dried , fibrous part of the loofa fruit as aspongeas a filter. 丝瓜布丝瓜果实晾干后纤维状的部分.

  5. Before long, his towel gourd grows straight the circle grows again. 不久, 他的丝瓜就长得又直又圆又长.

  6. The son tells: Dig leek, kind towel gourd went. 儿子讲: 挖韭菜, 种丝瓜去了.

  7. Products: Sweet potato, white gourd, Chinese cabbage, persimmon, tomato,towel gourd, soybean. 主要产品: 马铃薯 、 冬瓜 、 大白菜 、 小方柿、甜椒 、 西红柿 、 丝瓜 、 大豆.

  8. Towel gourd muscle, it is cheap country's common thing originally. 丝瓜筋, 本是不值钱的农村常见之物.

  9. They were covered with the vines of towel gourd. 丝瓜那绿油油的蔓条攀满了瓜架.

  10. Towel gourds are productive and diligent. 多产的是丝瓜.

  11. Steep it with medlar into vegetable sauce. 枸杞浸泡于野菜煮汁内,放入炸好的丝瓜,备用.

  12. Beside the towel gourd , there were also some purple little flowers coming instrands. 在丝瓜的边上开满了一串串不知名的紫色的花.

  13. Mix up with miso sauce, then set luffa up in plate and pour sauce. 味噌淋汁材料混合, 将丝瓜摆盘,淋上酱汁即可.

  14. Broth: mainly boiled vegetables, such as: cabbage soup, gourd soup, wintermelon soup, and so on. 清汤: 以瓜菜为主煮成的, 如: 白菜汤 、 丝瓜汤 、 冬瓜汤等.

  15. The decolorization of chrysophene G by Aspergillus ficuum immobilized onluffa cylindrical sponge was studied. 利用植物载体丝瓜瓤对无花果曲霉进行固定,并对直接冻黄G进行脱色研究.

  16. Li Junhua is considering, is selling towel gourd so not to earn money? 李君华琢磨着, 这样卖丝瓜岂不是赚不到钱?

  17. The processing technique of composite beverage of sponge gourd andgourd was experimented. 对丝瓜、苦瓜进行复合饮料的工艺试验.

  18. Loofah body is uneven, the head also wore a yellow color of the flowers. 丝瓜身上是凹凸不平的, 头上还顶着个黄颜色的小花.

  19. This year, he did vegetable big canopy, cultivated high grade towel gourd 0 .5 mus. 今年, 他搞起了蔬菜大棚, 种植了优质丝瓜0.5亩.

  20. By May, just about when towel gourd of the first stubble should appear on the market. 五月底, 正是第一茬丝瓜该上市的时候.

相关内容: 丝瓜的英语


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