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位置:励普教育 > 英语>个人提升英语> 超好听的英文歌曲女声  正文


发布时间:2022-09-28 17:09:17来源:励普网




  2007年初,在“北极猴子”(Arctic Monkeys)创造英国专辑销量新纪录的时候,伦敦女孩Leona Lewis还默默无闻。但仅仅用了一年时间,这位2006年度英国“X-Factor”选秀大赛的冠军就凭借她的处子专辑《Spirit》改写了Arctic Monkeys去年创下的纪录。本周,Leona的这张《Spirit》在英国发行第一周内的销量达到37万5千张,超越了去年年初Arctic Monkeys的处子专辑《Whatever People Say I Am, That"s What I"m Not》所创下的36万3千张的销量纪录,成为英国流行音乐专辑榜历史上最热销的处子专辑。

  当然,凭借如此骄人的成绩,《Spirit》在本周的英国专辑榜中轻松问鼎。而在英国唱片市场单周专辑销量的总排行中(包括非处子专辑),《Spirit》的成绩仍位居第四名,落后于“绿洲”乐队(Oasis)的《Be Here Now》、“酷玩”乐队(Coldplay)的第三张专辑《X&Y》和Dido的第二张专辑《Life for Rent》。与此同时,在本周的英国单曲榜中,《Bleeding Love》连续第四周领跑,本周的英国榜完全是属于Leona Lewis一个人的。


  2006年,丽安娜·刘易斯参加了X Factor的第三季演唱Over The Rainbow在同年12月16日夺得冠军,同时赢得100万英镑录音合约 。同年年底,利昂娜推出首张个人单曲“A Moment Like This”。

  她的首张专辑《Spirit》,是英国和爱尔兰2007年最畅销的处女专辑,也是这两个国家2007年销量最高的专辑。这张专辑同样使她成为第一个以个人身份发行首张专辑便在美国Billboard专辑榜上夺得冠军的英国歌手 。


  I just cant believe your gone"

  still waitin for mornin to come"

  when i see if the sun will rise"

  in the way that your by my side"

  oooo where we had so much in store"

  tell me what is it all reaching for"

  when were through building memories

  il hold yesterday in my heart"

  in my heart

  they can take tomorrow and the plans we made"

  they can take the music that wel never play"

  all the broken dreams"

  take everything"

  just take it away"

  but they can never have yesterday"

  they can take the future that wel never know

  they can take the places that we said we will go"

  all the broken dreams take everything"

  just take it away"

  but they can never have yesterday

  you always choose to stay"

  i should be thankful for everyday"

  heaven knows what the future holds"

  or least where the story goes"

  i never believed untill now"

  i know il see you again im sure"

  no its not selfish to ask for more"

  one more night one more day

  one more smile on your face

  but they cant take yesterday"

  they can take tomorrow and the plans we made"

  they take the music that wel never play"

  all the broken dreams take everythin"

  just take it away"

  but they can never have yesterday"

  they can take the future that wel never know"

  they can take the places that we said we will go"

  all the broken dreams"

  take everything"

  just take it away"

  but they can never have yesterday.

  i thought our days would last forever"

  but it wasnt our destiny"

  coz in my mind we had so much time"

  but i was so wrong"

  no i can believe me i can still find the strengh

  in the moments we made

  im lookin back on yesterday

  they can take tomorrow and the plans we made"

  they take the music that wel never play"

  all the broken dreams take everythin"

  just take it away"

  but they can never have yesterday"

  they can take the future that wel never know"

  they can take the places that we said we will go"

  all the broken dreams"

  take everything"

  just take it away"

  but they can never have yesterday.

  all the broken dreams"

  take everything"

  but they can never have yesterday.


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