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北京时间用英语怎么说 北京时间英语说法例句

发布时间:2022-09-18 20:40:40来源:励普网




  Beijing time

  英 [beidʒiŋ taim]

  美 [ˈbeˈdʒɪŋ taɪm]


  China Standard Time


  今天北京时间 Today Beijing Time

  北京时间午夜12点 Beijing time 12 o"clock midnight

  现在是北京时间 Now is the time in Beijing



  Can you tell me what time it will be when my flight arrives in London from Beijing, both local time and Beijing time?


  The return flight will take off at 21:20 GMT and arrive in Shanghai at 07:45 GMT (15:45 Beijing Time).


  Can you tell me what time it will be when my flight arrives in London from Beijing, both local time and Beijing time?


  NASA scrapped space shuttle Endeavour"s Saturday evening launch after lightning struck at least 11 times near the launch pad.

  飞机将于上述日期的格林尼治标准时间03:30(北京时间 13:30)从上海浦东国际机场起飞,而在格林尼治标准时间18:50到达伦敦希思罗机场。

  Planes will leave at 03:30 GMT (13:30 Beijing Time) from Shanghai Pudong International Airport and arrive at London Heathrow Airport at 18:50 GMT.


  Chen Ying of China gestures during the women"s 25m pistol final of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games shooting event at the Beijing Shooting Range Hall in Beijing, China, Aug. 13, 2008.


  What"s the difference between Beijing time and GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)?


  What"s the difference between your time and GMT?


  What"s the difference between Beijing time and GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)?


  We will be having an outage tomorrow at 18:00 UTC in order to upgrade the OS on the storage device that holds the upload/download area.


  China successfully launched a mapping satellite , "Mapping Satellite - I," from the northwestern Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center at 3:10 p.m. (Beijingtime) Tuesday.


  In the first of four planned dives, the Jiaolong submersible reached 4, 027meters at 5:26 a.m. Thursday, Beijing time, according to China"s StateOceanic Administration.


  Chen, deputy chief of the Sichuan provincial emergency volunteer team,received a text message from the Beijing-based China Earthquake NetworkCenter in the wee hours of Jan 13 Beijing time.


  We have taken note of the remarks delivered by President Bush this morning Beijing time.


  Can you tell me what time it will be when my flight arrives in London fromBeijing, both local time and Beijing time?


  Time: 8 hrs. earlier than GMT; Same time with Beijing Time.


  Brazil easily beat Zimbabwe 3-0 in a pre-World Cup warm up early Thursday(Beijing Time), despite an injury scare that forced first-choice goalkeeper Julio Cesar out of the game.


  The first chartered plane already took off in Tripoli at 1:40 pm Beijing time,taking back over 200 Chinese citizens, mostly women and children.


  The quake jolted an area covering parts of Nanshan and Bao"an districts ofShenzhen and Hong Kong at 2:42 pm (Beijing time), according to theSeismological Station of Guangdong.


  At 13:46, March 11 on Beijing Time, Richter 8.8 magnitude earthquakeconvulsed Japan significantly.

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