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home alone英语作文80词

发布时间:2022-06-27 16:46:33来源:励普网


  以home alone为题,你能够写出80词的英语作文吗?

  home alone英语作文80词篇1

  Tonight,my father and mother went out and I was at home alone.At first, I was excited and

  frightened,because this was the first time I was at home alone.I turned on all the lights.Then I

  opened the TV and watched my favourite cartoon.Suddenly I heared someone knock at the

  door,I was very scared."who you are?"I asked."I am your neighbour"."I do not know you,

  please walk away."I said loudly.Then I heard laughter so I opened the door.And I saw father and mother right there.I realized that they were testing me!

  From then I become more brave.Father and mother,thank you!

  home alone英语作文80词篇2

  firstly,i found that it is really a sunny Sunday.It is really a hard work for me.but i feel lonely.although the fish taste not very well finally,as my mum and bad are all out for businesswhen i got up.and follwing the steps which i found.In order to make myself have a happy and full day ,i found how to cook a fish in my computer.but i do very happy and feel proud,I had a plan for cooking a fish for myself.As it is my first time to cooking

  home alone英语作文80词篇3

  I felt very relaxed summer vacation, as long as the day should be completed homework done, mom, I do not too limited. Every day I was writing assignments and watch TV. I like watching TV channel and animation in many cities, the children to learn the piano and dance, I admire her very much, but we don"t have any teacher, if anything, you will have to pay a lot of money, we can"t afford it. I also like reading books, but also is too expensive, the village and no library, mother bought me a book, the inside of the story, I early back down.

  home alone英语作文80词篇4

  Last week Saturday,daddy has gone to work,mother also went to the bookstore to buy the book,kept me at home.I discovered an extracurricular book to read first.Is reading in the enthusiasm,hears suddenly “thump” knocks on a door the sound.I am scared:Who can be?I remembered beforehand mother to say to me:“the stranger knocks on a door cannot open the door casually.”Therefore I treat the wrong side of the door to ask loudly:“who looks for?”Only hears the wrong side of the door the human replies:“I look for Dr.Deng.”Originally knocks the wrong gate!I replied loudly in the room:“found fault the gate,Dr.Deng in building.”The wrong side of the door person said the sound “sorry”,walked.I also read two stories,then I discovered the toy to play.I have played entirely the toy box in toy,mother has not come back.The toy played has sufficed,I turned on the television to look.In television"s program has been too splendid,I looked looking at steadily,when does mother open the door went home not to know.This is the my first time alone in home"s experience.

更多培训课程: 郑州个人提升英语 更多学校信息: 励普教育在线培训 咨询电话:



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