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发布时间:2022-06-20 10:35:06来源:励普网











英 ["lu?z?(r)]     美 ["lu?z?r]



The loser sat slumped in dejection.


He is a born loser.


Disappointment was writ large on the face of the loser.


I found a wallet at the bus stop and then tried to look for the loser.


You are a very bad loser Lou, aren"t you? 卢,你这人输不起,不是吗?

It is upsetting to discover that you have backed a loser 发现自己的投注对象输了是一件让人心烦的事。

The referee"s decision was contested by the loser 负方对裁判的裁决有异议。

I"m sure the prime minister will turn out to be a good loser 我相信首相会是个输得起的人。

They"ve only been trained to compete with other men, so a successful woman can make them feel like a real loser 他们只被教过要和其他男人一较高下,所以一个成功的女人会令他们觉得特别失败。

The loser"s scorn for the award is pure sour grape 失败者对奖品的轻视纯粹是吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸。

You shall not be the loser by it 我不会让你因此而蒙受损失。

The loser congratulated the winner of the race 输者向比赛的优胜者祝贺。

The loser sat slumped in dejection 失败者垂头丧气地坐着,全身瘫软。

He was a sore loser 他是一个输不起的人。

Our team was the loser by five points 我队以五分之差败北。

I found a wallet at the bus stop and then tried to look for the loser 我在公共汽车站拾到一个钱包后,便设法寻找失主。

He always gets annoyed when I beat him at cards; he"s a bad loser 每当我打牌赢了他时,他总是很生气, 他是个输不起的人。

The hardest thing to learn is to be a good loser 最难学的一点是做一个输的起的人。

I think the Board has backed a loser there 我认为董事会决定投资的将是一项销路不好的产品。

As well, he earned a two - picture and filmed 2000"s and Girls and Loser tofulfill it 同时, 他还赢得了两部电影的机会,来拍摄了2000年度的《少男少女》(BoysandGirls)和《戆直少男》(Loser)。

If I do the math, that makes me the biggest lottery loser in the room 如果我没算错, 我是这房间里最失败的抽奖者。

John : Hey , How about the loser also buying John a doublecone? 嘿, 数的人也请约翰吃一个冰激凌甜筒怎么样?

We are the chanpions of the world, no loser 我们是这个世界的冠军, 没有失败者。

The loser of the game has to buy dinner for everybody 比赛输的人要请大家吃饭。



★ loser都有什么意思

★ loser是什么意思

★ i am a loser是什么意思

★ 英语俚语俗语短语

★ loser音译歌词中文 loser在线试听下载

★ 英国日常见面招呼用语

★ Loser才跟烂事折腾

★ Bigbang新专辑MADE励志音乐《LOSER》中文歌词

★ 英语打招呼用语对话

★ 中考励志文章:Loser才跟烂事折腾

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相关内容: loser是什么意思 loser 意思


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