全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00
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发布时间:2022-03-10 16:38:22来源:励普教育



听下面材料,回答第(1)--(5) 题。

M: Anne Cole, I'm so glad that I find myself here with you, in the Olympic Village.

W: Hello.

M: This is your first Olympics, isn't it, Anne?

W: Yes, it is.

M: Let's talk about your training program, Anne. I imagine it's pretty hard.

W: Yes, it is. I get up about six forty-five.

M: Do you start your training right away, Anne?

W: No, not exactly. I have a very light breakfast at seven and I get to the pool by half pastseven.

M: I see. How long do you train for?

W: All day.

M: You mean you swim all day?

W: (Laughs) Oh, no! I swim for about four hours, have lunch and then do track work and bodyexercises in the afternoon. I suppose I train until four o'clock in the afternoon.

M: That's a long day.

W: It's all right.

M: What about your free time? What do you do?

W: Well, I read a lot and watch a lot of television--I like American TV. I sometimes go dancing atthe Olympic Club.

M: Dancing?

W: Yes, but I go to bed early on most nights.

M: Thank you, Anne, and good luck to you.


(1) 6:45

(2) Having breakfast

(3) swimming pool

(4) body exercises

(5) going dancing


听下面材料,回答第(1)--(5) 题。

Nowhere are women leaders more essential than in countries devastated by war. Studies show that women are better at creating and keeping the peace in post-conflict societies because women are generally less violent than their male counterparts. In Rwanda's most recent election, women won 49 percent of the seats in parliament--the highest proportion in the world. Increasingly, citizens in such societies are turning to women for help. The Iraqi Constitution last month, guarantees women 25 percent of the seats in parliament. Liberians hoping to secure peace after decades of civil war could become the first African country with a woman president if they elect Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in the final round of balloting on Nov. 8. Perhaps the greatest hope is that increasing the ranks of women in government will help prevent future wars. During the Bosnian war, I asked the prime minister of Bosnia, "If half of the people around the table at the very beginning had been women, would there have been a war?" And he said, "No. Women think long and hard before they send their children out to kill other peoples' children." Are women actually more peaceful than men? Looking at Cameroon, Bolivia and Malaysia, a recent study found that when women have a greater say in spending priorities, they spend less on the military. "When women reach 30 or 40 percent of government, you get much more funding for health care and education."


(1) violent

(2) 49 percent/49%

(3) Iraqi

(4) long and hard

(5) spend less

更多培训课程: 石家庄个人提升英语 更多学校信息: 石家庄长安区朗阁教育机构 咨询电话:

相关内容: 英语 高中英语 高中英语听力


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