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退出用英文怎么说 退出的英文

2023-06-29 10:02:23来源:励普网



-Pull up -No, I"m alright..
-退出!-不!我没事Clean up ("Expunge") Inbox on exit
在退出时清除"收件箱"Withdraw,eg as a candidate in an election
退出(如竞选中)poop out of a race.
因精疲力尽而退出比赛The Ford reversed out.
那辆福特牌汽车倒车退出。To withdraw from one educational institution or course of study and enroll in another.
转学退出一个教育机构或一门课程并加入到另一个中去。The normal way to leave telnet is to log out from the remote host.
通常,退出telnet的办法是在远端主机上注销。Buyers have withdrawn from the market in view of the abrupt turn of the trend of prices.
由于价格趋势的突然转变,买主已退出市场。In such cases, VC firms will not be able to exit within a short period of time.
这样,风险投资机构就无法较快地实现退出。Once the new leading group has established its prestige, I am resolved to withdraw and not interfere in your affairs.

v. 抽回;移开;收回;提取;取消;撤销;撤退

withdrawal symptoms
ph.1. 戒毒过程中产生的病症(诸如盗汗、恶心等等) to withdraw from a competition; to scratch
退出比赛 But this is seldom the cause for withdrawal from publication.

v. (使)中止;(使)流产
n. 中止计划

To have a miscarriage;abort.
流产,坠胎 That was an abortive attempt.
这是一种失败的尝试。independent task abort dump

v. 离开,辞职,停止;辞(职)

She is poor but quite respectable.
她虽穷,人品却很端正。There had been quite a metamorphosis.
他们完全变了样。On the face of it, it seems quite reasonable.

相关内容: 退出用英文怎么说 励普网


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