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大猩猩的英文怎么说 大猩猩的英文

2023-05-29 11:20:08来源:励普网



Gorillas live in central africa.
大猩猩生活在非洲中部。It is this "humanness" of the gorilla which is so beguiling
就是大猩猩的这种“人的特性”使人感到如此有趣。An anthropoid ape of the family Pongidae,which includes the chimpanzee,gorilla,and orangutan.
猩猩科类人猿猩猩科类人猿,包括黑猩猩、大猩猩和猩猩The gorilla had a massive forehead.
大猩猩的前额很大。A gorilla is just a speechless animal.
大猩猩只不过是一种不会说话的动物。Koko is the first gorilla to have been taught sign language.
科科是学习手势语的第一只大猩猩。Gorilla are the largest of the anthropoid apes native to the forests of equatorial Africa.
大猩猩是栖居在赤道非洲的最大的类人猿。Correctly,the gorilla is not a monkey,but an ape.
正确地说大猩猩不是猴子,而是类人猿。The gorilla is something of a paradox in the African scene.
在非洲大舞台上大猩猩有点象似是而非的隽语。Even in the ones that seem humanoid, like the apes and the monkeys?

n. 大猩猩;打手

gangster | gorilla | juvenile deliquent
歹徒|太保 A gorilla is just a speechless animal.
大猩猩只不过是一种不会说话的动物。The gorilla had a massive forehead.
大猩猩的前额很大。Gorillas live in central africa.
大猩猩生活在非洲中部。Correctly,the gorilla is not a monkey,but an ape.

相关内容: 大猩猩的英文怎么说 励普网


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