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识别用英文怎么说 识别的英文

2023-08-24 09:41:50来源:励普网




Identifier of foe or friend(IFF)
敌我识别雷达OCR (optical character recognition)
光学字符识别,光学符号识别,[港]光符识别This is the most distinctive criterion for identifying the nature of events.
这是识别事物本质的最为显著的准则。and if it was intelligible, then it was alterable
如果可以识别,那就可以改变。Taking over will be so called gestural computer mechanisms like touch screens and facial recognition devices.
终结鼠标生涯的将是触摸屏一样的手势识别电脑和表情识别设备。The floppy disk controller reported an error that is not recognized by the floppy disk driver.
软盘控制器报告软盘驱动程序不能识别的错误。In optical character recognition(OCR,a misalignment of the first character of a line with respect to the left margin.
在光符识别技术(OCR)中,某行的第一个字符相对于左页边排列不齐的现象。The data item ID passed was not recognized as valid by a WMI data provider.
无法识别传来的数据项目标识符是否为有效的WMI数据提供程序。It is of great importance to recognize patients who are predisposed to narrow-angle glaucoma
识别患者是否有窄角型青光眼发病倾向非常重要。Unlike some birds, however, trumpeters don"t know migration routes instinctively;they learn the way from their parents

v. 区别,辨别;看清;受人注目

It is their distinguishing characteristic.
这是他们与众不同的特征。The coast was barely distinguishable in the mist.
在雾中很难看清海岸。lacking distinguishing characteristics or features.
缺乏有区别性的特征。 Premier Zhou is a distinguished politician.
周总理是一位卓越的政治家。 Like and love are distinguishing.

v. 认识;理解;识别

It is difficult to discern the truth.
很难了解真相。Acuteness of perception,discernment,or understanding.
聪明,敏锐敏锐的洞察力、判断力或理解力discerning power; discrimination; sense; judgment
辨别力 The two constituent frequencies are clearly discernible
可以清楚地辨别出两种成分的频率来。Is it easy to discern between fact and rumor?

相关内容: 识别用英文怎么说 励普网


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