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2023-05-10 16:07:24来源:励普网




1.Given the nature of government and private employers, it seems most likely that discrimination by private employers would be greater.


2.The release of the carbon in these compounds for recycling depends almost entirely on the action of both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and certain types of fungi.


3.A spirited discussion springs up between a young girl who says that women have outgrown the jumping-on-a-chair-at-the-sight-of-a mouse era and a major who says that they haven"t.


4.They are trying to find out whether there is something about the way we teach language to children which in fact prevents children from learning sooner.


5.Mathematicians who have tried to use the computers to copy the way the brain works have found that even using the latest electronic equipment they would have to build a computer which weighed over 10,000 kilos.


6.Since different people like to do so many different things in their spare time, we could make a long list of hobbies, taking in everything from collecting matchboxes and raising rare fish, to learning about the stars and making model ships.


7.They know that a seal swimming under the ice will keep a breathing hole open by its warm breath, so they will wait beside the hole and kill it.


8.We may be able to decide whether someone is white only by seeing if they have none of the features that would mark them clearly as a member of another race.


9.Although signs of dishonesty in school, business and government seem much more numerous in years than in the past, could it be that we are getting better at revealing such dishonesty?


10.It is not quite a matter of disagreeing with the theory of independence, but of rejecting its implications:that the romances may be taken in any or no particular order, that they have no cumulative effect,and that they are as separate as the works of a modern novelist.




相关内容: 学士学位英语翻译练习题 学士学位英语翻译 学位英语


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