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2023-04-07 11:06:38来源:励普网





Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)

Even if families don"t sit down to eat together as frequently as before, millions of Britons will nonetheless have got a share this weekend of one of that nation"s great traditions: the Sunday roast. 1 a cold winter"s day, few culinary pleasures can 2 it. Yet as we report now. The food police are determined our health. That this 3 should be rendered yet another quilty pleasure 4 to damage our health.

The Food Standards Authority (FSA) has 5 a public worming about the risks of a compound called acrylamide that forms in some foods cooked 6 high temperatures. This means that people should 7 crisping their roast potatoes, reject thin -crust pizzas and only 8 toast their bread. But where is the evidence to support such adarmlist advice? 9 studies have shown that acrylamide can cause neurological damage in mice, there is no 10 evidence that it causes cancer in humans.

Scientists say the compound is 11 to cause cancer but have no hard scientific proof 12 the precautionary principle it could be argued that it is 13 to follow the FSA advice. 14 it was rumourded that smoking caused cancer for years before the evidence was found to prove a 15

Doubtless a piece of boiled feef can always be 16 up on Sunday alongside some steamed vegetables, without the York shire pudding and no wine. But would life be worth living? 17 ,the FSA says it is not telling people to cut out roast foods 18 , but reduce their lifetime intake.However its 19 risks coming a cross as being pushy and overprotective. Constant health scares just 20 with no one listening.

1.[A]In [B]Towards [C]on [D]Till

2.[A ]match [B]express [C]satisfy [D]influence

3.[A]patience [B]enjoyment [C]surprise [D]concem

4.[A]intensified [B]privileged [C] compelled [D]guaranteed

5.[A]issued [B]received [C]ignored [D]cancelled

6.[A] under [B]at [C]for [D]by

7.[A]forget [B]regret [C]finish [D] avoid

8.[A]partially [B]regularly [C] easily [D]initially

9.[A]Unless [B]Since [C]If [D]While

10.[A] secondary [B]extermal [C] conclusive [D] negative

11.[A]insufficient [B]bound [C]likely [D]slow

12.[A]On the basis of [B]At the cost of [C] In addition to [D]In contrast to

13.[A]interesting [B]advisable [C]urgent [D]fortunate

14.[A]As usual [B]In particular [C]By definition [D]After all

15.[A]resemblance [B]combination [C] connection [D]pattern

16.[A]made [B]served [C]saved [D]used

17.[A]To be fair [B]For instance [C]To be brief [D]In general

18.[A]reluctantly [B]entirely [C] gradually [D] carefully

19.[A] promise [B] experience [C]campaign [D] competition

20.[A]follow up [B]pick up [C] open up [D]end up




相关内容: 考研英语一真题 考研英语 考研 2021考研英语 英语一真题


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