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雅思饼图作文真题 雅思小作文饼图题

2023-12-06 15:18:15来源:励普网




The chart below shows the percentage of people who visited a museum in the UK in the year 2000.

The pie chart illustrates the proportion of people who visited a museum in the United Kingdom in 2000.

Overall, it can be seen that the majority of visitors were aged between 25 and 44, at 44%, while the least popular age group was those aged over 65, at just 8%. Those aged between 45 and 64 made up 28% of visitors, while those aged between 16 and 24 accounted for 20%.

The most popular age group was 25 to 44 year olds, who made up 44% of visitors. This was followed by those aged between 45 and 64, who accounted for 28%. Those aged between 16 and 24 made up 20%, while the least popular age group was those aged over 65, at 8%.

In conclusion, it is clear that the majority of visitors to museums in the UK in 2000 were aged between 25 and 44.


The pie chart illustrates the percentage of people who use different modes of transport to commute to work in a certain city in the year 2000.

Overall, it can be seen that the majority of people in the city used private cars to get to work, at a rate of 40%. This was followed by public transport, at 30%, and walking, at 25%. The remaining 5% of people cycled to work.

Private cars were by far the most popular form of transport, with almost double the amount of people using them compared to public transport. Walking was the third most popular option, with a quarter of people choosing to walk to work. Cycling was the least popular option, with only 5% of people opting to use this form of transport.

To conclude, private cars were the most popular form of transport for commuting to work in the city in 2000, followed by public transport and walking. Cycling was the least popular option.


The pie chart shows the percentage of people who use different modes of transport to get to work in a certain city.

The pie chart illustrates the proportion of commuters in a certain city who use different forms of transport to get to work.

It is clear from the chart that the most popular way of travelling to work is by car, with almost half of the commuters (48%) choosing this option. The second most popular form of transport is public transport, with 33% of commuters using buses, trains and other forms of public transport. Walking and cycling are the least popular forms of transport, with only 11% and 8% of commuters respectively choosing these options.

Overall, the chart shows that the majority of commuters in this city prefer to use private transport to get to work.


The pie chart illustrates the percentage of people who took part in a survey and indicated their preference for different types of music.

Overall, it is clear that the most popular type of music was rock, with almost a third of respondents (32%) choosing it as their favorite. Pop music was the second most popular choice, with 28% of people selecting it. Jazz and classical music were both chosen by 14% of people, while hip-hop and folk music were the least popular choices, with 8% and 4% respectively.

In conclusion, rock was the most popular type of music among survey respondents, followed by pop music. Jazz and classical music were both chosen by a similar number of people, while hip-hop and folk music were the least popular choices.



The pie chart illustrates the percentage of people who use different types of transport in a certain city. It can be seen that the majority of people use cars, accounting for nearly half of the total, while the other four types of transport are used by much smaller proportions of the population.

Cars are the most popular form of transport, with 45% of people using them. Buses are the second most popular, with 25% of people using them. Taxis are used by 15% of people, while bicycles and motorcycles are used by 8% and 7% of people respectively.


The pie chart illustrates the percentage of people who use different modes of transport to get to work in a certain city.

Overall, it is clear that the majority of people in this city use private cars to get to work, while the use of public transport is relatively low. Specifically, almost half of the population (45%) drive their own cars to work, while only 15% use buses and a further 10% take the train. The remaining 30% of people use other forms of transport, such as cycling or walking.

It is interesting to note that the use of private cars is almost three times higher than the use of public transport. Furthermore, the use of buses is only slightly higher than the use of trains, while the use of other forms of transport is significantly higher than both.

To conclude, the majority of people in this city use private cars to get to work, while the use of public transport is relatively low.





相关内容: 雅思饼图作文真题


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