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教育部雅思考试报名网站 雅思考试报名费

2023-10-12 10:42:13来源:励普网





1. 打开教育部雅思考试报名网站,点击“报名”按钮进入报名页面。

2. 选择考试类型,填写考试时间、考试地点等信息,点击“下一步”。

3. 填写个人信息,包括姓名、性别、出生日期、身份证号码、联系方式等,点击“下一步”。

4. 上传照片,照片要求为近期免冠正面照片,点击“下一步”。

5. 选择支付方式,支持网上支付、银行转账等,点击“下一步”。

6. 确认报名信息,点击“提交”按钮完成报名。







雅思考试 教育部


The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is an international standardized test of English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers. It is jointly managed by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge Assessment English, and was established in 1989. The test is accepted by over 10,000 organizations worldwide, including universities, employers, professional bodies, immigration authorities and other government agencies. The test is designed to assess the language ability of non-native speakers of English who intend to study or work where English is the language of communication. The test is available in two versions: Academic and General Training. The Academic version is intended for those who want to study at tertiary level in an English-speaking country or seek professional registration. The General Training version is for those who want to do work experience or training programs, secondary education, or migrate to an English-speaking country. The test is divided into four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. Each section is marked out of a total of 40 marks, with an overall score out of a total of 120 marks. The Education Testing Center of the Ministry of Education is responsible for the administration of the IELTS test in China.




The Ministry of Education IELTS Registration Center is the official registration center for the IELTS exam. It is responsible for the registration of IELTS test takers, the collection of fees, and the distribution of test materials. The center also provides information and guidance to test takers on the IELTS exam and its requirements. It is also responsible for the administration of the IELTS exam, including the scheduling of test dates, the collection of test results, and the issuing of test certificates.



1. 年龄:考生必须年满16周岁,但不能超过80周岁。

2. 语言能力:考生必须具备英语语言能力,并能够理解和表达英语。

3. 报名:考生必须在报名时准备好相关的资料,包括身份证明、护照、学历证明等。

4. 费用:考生必须支付相应的考试费用,以及可能的其他费用,如签证费、住宿费等。

5. 健康:考生必须确保自己身体健康,以便能够安全参加考试。

相关内容: 登录教育部雅思考试报名网站


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