
2021-07-16 16:19:47



为了解答这些问题,新藤汇采访了旗下多所顶尖学校的招生人员,他们帮助新藤汇众多学学员收获了心仪offer,成果丰硕。作为中国一站式留学服务机构,新藤汇服务经验丰富,具备一批丰富的美国藤校级别前任招生官资源,长期致力于中国家庭的申请指导。招生官从招办视角,基于名校录取需求、招生经验倒推给学生做名校规划,帮助学生精准施策,斩获名校通行证。本期新藤汇采访了宾夕法尼亚大学的Jamie David老师,将从招生官的审核角度带大家了解美国名校招生录取的奥秘。

Jamie David:从宾大招生官到私人大学顾问

大家好,我的名字是Jamie David,我是一名美国的大学招生官。我很高兴能和大家分享一些关于申请美国大学的信息,尤其是一些关于国外的信息。在我开始讲解之前,让我告诉你们一些我的背景。我在大学里学的是电影专业,我是费城坦普尔大学的一名电影专业的学生,费城坦普尔大学位于美国东海岸宾夕法尼亚州费城。毕业后,我在洛杉矶的好莱坞生活和工作,在好莱坞电影和电视行业工作了两年,然后回到费城。当我回到费城时,我开始在宾夕法尼亚大学工作。在学校的11年期间我参与了一个非常特别的项目工作叫做Jerome fisher项目管理和技术,所以我也被称为MNT。这个项目的学生可以同时获得沃顿商学院和宾州工程学院的学位,所以我为这个项目做了本科招生工作。

当我在招生办的时候,我读了成百上千的本科申请。多年来,我负责一个名为“mntsi”(1 ' 29)的暑期项目的招生工作,我还做过学生指导。所以,在某种情况下我需要帮助学生选取课程,并且帮助一些学生找出他们真正想关注什么专业。我也帮助很多学生找到各种类型的实习申请, 或者在哪里申请工作之类的。我真的很喜欢在宾大的时光,我真的很喜欢和学生们一起工作。我在宾大遇到了很多来自世界各地的了不起的人,我真的很怀念在宾大的时光。然而,我真的很喜欢我过去一直在做的事情。


Hi, my name is Jamie David, I am a college counselor based in the united states and I'm excited to share some information with you about applying to us universities especially from abroad. Before I get started giving you a lot of it right, let me tell you a little bit about my background. So, I studied film in college, I was a film student at temple university in Philadelphia Pennsylvania which is on the east coast of the united states. After I graduated, I lived and worked in Hollywood Los Angeles and worked in the Hollywood film and television industry for 2 years before returning to Philadelphia. When I returned to Philadelphia, I started working at the university of Pennsylvania and I spent about 11 years at the university working for a very special program called the Jerome fisher program in management and technology, I've also known as MNT. And it's a program where students get a full degree from the Wharton school and a full degree from Penn engineering at the same time, and so I did admissions for that program for the undergraduate program. I read hundred maybe thousands of applications for the undergraduate program when I sat in admissions. Multiple years, I ran admissions for the summer program that the program has called “mntsi” (1’29’’) and I also did student advising. So I help student in some cases, figure out what classes they need to take, I help some students figure out what majors they really wanted to focus on, I helped a lot of students figure out what types of internships to apply to you, and where to apply for jobs and things like that to help them choose their jobs. So I really loved my time at Penn, I really love working with students and so I was able to meet so many amazing people from all over the world at Penn, and I really miss my time there. However, I've really loved what I've been doing for the past. 4 years ago, in 2017 I was recruited to work for a Chinese company and work as a private college counselor, primarily for Chinese students living in china but also abroad. And so I've been advising a number of students each year for the past 4 years. And as part of my work, I was able to travel and spend some time in china “prior to covert”(2’33’’) which was really wonderful. I've been to cities like Chengdu, xi an, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, I think that's it. But, I really loved all of the cities that I visited. In China, the food is so delicious and I hope to be able to get back to it one day.



Jamie David:你可能已经知道, 或者听说过不少美国学院和大学使用一个整体审查的方法,这意味着他们会彻底地检查所有有关申请者相关的资料。了解相关联的事件,比如地区位置,你就读的高中类型,或者你在那所高中可以学习的课程类型。在某些情况下,招生人员在做决定时可能还会考虑学生的社会经济背景等因素。所以背景是整体的重要组成部分,让我们多谈谈申请的不同部分以及招生人员是如何审查的。我认为大多数学生在想到我们要检查的内容时首先想到的是你的成绩和你在学业上的表现。是的,我们非常关注你的成绩,这可能是最重要的。但我们不只是看你的成绩或你的GPA或你的班级排名,或者是你的学校排名。我们也会看重你参加的这些课程的严格程度,你在这些课程上的表现如何,有任何进步,比如你的第一学期是不是很紧张,或者你的高中第一年你是不是有个糟糕的学期但是后来你的成绩提高了。这些都是我们观察的重点。我们接下来看看学生们都是怎么做的,所以我们会根据学生在高中这些年的成绩来观察他们的表现。显然,谈到严格性或挑战性,我们寻找的是那些能充分利用学校提供的课程类型的学生。举个例子,在中国有些学生在国际学校求学,对吧?在一个国际部,也许他们正在学习AP课程,或者他们正在学习IB文凭,在某些情况下,他们可能正在学习A-level。所以,我们会把所有这些因素都考虑进去当我们考虑学生所上的课程的严谨性或者与之相关的考试成绩时。考试是招生人员快速了解学生潜在学术能力的另一种方式,尤其是他们要申请的学校。所以要记住这一点! 现在很多学院和大学都是选择性考试政策,如果你今年申请大学,今年的大学也是这个政策。许多学校将他们的选择性考试政策延长到未来几年,有些甚至更长。所以,这可能是我们看到更多的学校在未来做的事情。可选考试的意思是,学生不需要提交SAT或ACT。但是,如果你能够安全地参加考试,准备好考试,并负担得起考试,还是建议你提交成绩。所以,如果你正在参加sat或act考试,我相信中国的许多学生只要有能力,仍然打算参加。所以还是要继续参加考试,然后了解你申请学校的分数要求,当你的分数达到要求的时候,请提交成绩,这是非常重要的。下一个非常重要的就是语言流利!对于一些其他国家或国家的主要语言不是英语的学生,你需要展示你的英语语言能力,通常的形式托福或雅思,在美国一些学校现在也接受Duolingo测试。记住这一点,但在大多数情况下,托福仍然是美国最广泛接受的,其次是雅思。不同的学校有不同的分数要求,我认为托福标准是100分,我认为只要你有100分,你就有足够的筹码了。但对于竞争更激烈的常春藤盟校或美国的精英学校,你可能想要110分。对于雅思考试,我认为6.5分是一个不错的基础分。但大多数学生的目标是7分或更高。

so I first like to tell you a little about how admissions officers review applications, as you may already know, or have heard quite a bit US colleges and universities use a process called holistic review which means they review all of the pieces of an application thoroughly and take into consideration. Contextual things, like regional location or the type of high school you attend or the types of courses that are available to you in that high school. In some cases, admissions officers may also take into account things like the social economic background of a student when they make decisions. So context and that being something that's an important part of holistic So, Let's talk a little bit more about the different pieces of the application and how admissions officers review them. The first thing that I think most students when they think about what we review would be your grade and how you do academically. Yes, we look at your grades very closely that's probably the most important. But we don't just look at your grade or your GPA or your class rank if your school ranks. You've taken the rigor in those classes, and how well you've been doing in those classes, and If there's been any kind of progression, meaning like did you have a bad first semester intense, or your Your first year of high school. did you have like a bad term but Then you brought your grades up. That would be looked at in a positive way. So we look at kind of how a student does over the years in high school in terms of their grade. Obviously, when it comes to rigor or challenge, we're looking for students who are taking advantage of the types of courses that are offered to them. So for example, in China some students who are pursuing in international schooling, right? In an international department, perhaps they're taking AP courses or they're doing the IB diploma, in some cases, they may be taking A-level. So, we take all of this into consideration when we look at the rigor or the types of courses that a student is taking in conjunction with that or in relation to that to the grades we look at testing. Testing is another way for admissions officers to very quickly understand a student potential academic ability, especially as it relates to the school that they're applying for the university that they're applying for. So keep in mind that! Right now, many colleges and universities are test optional, If you're applying to universities this year they are test optional for this year. Many schools are extending their test optional policies for the next couple of years, and some even beyond that. So, this may be something that we see more schools doing in the future. What test optional means is that students are not required to submit SAT or ACR. However, it's still recommended that you submit scores if you're able to safely take tests, prepare for them, and afford to take them. So If you're taking the exam sat or act which I believe many students in china are still planning on doing as long as they're able to. Continue taking a test and submit your scores if you feel they are strong enough, considering the range of course that those schools that you're applying to are looking for, so that's very important. Language fluency. So for international students who are in countries or the native language or the main language of the country is not English, you will need to show English language proficiency, typically in the form of a TOEFL or IELTS, some schools in the united states now are also accepting the Duolingo test. Keep that in mind, but for the most part, TOEFL still the most widely accepted in the united states followed by IELTS. Different schools prefer different score, I think a good target for TOEFL is a 100, I think as long as you have a 100 you are in the chips. But for the more competitive ivy league or elite schools in the united states you'll probably want a 110. For the IELTS, I think a good base band scores to have a 6.5. But most students are aiming for a seven or higher.


Jamie David:招生人员要审查的下一件事是帮助他们了解学生是谁,他们是怎么想的,他们是否适合某所学校。例如,在补充论文中,与你申请的不同学校有关。学生应该非常具体地谈论他们为什么想去这所学校或这所学院。当他们在成功进入这所大学的时候,他们想要获得什么样的经历? 所以论文不仅要解释你是谁,还要解释为什么选择这个学校或为什么这个专业适合你,以及你如何适合那个专业。在这个视频的后面,我也会讲一些关于论文的内容。关于申请另外一个超重要的是课外活动,招生人员通过查看你参加的活动的经历可以得到很多关于你的有用的信息,他们可以了解学生对什么类型的事情最感兴趣或充满热情,他们是否有领导能力或团队合作能力或单人完成能力。如果招生官仔细研究你的经历,他们就可以知道你对什么类型的项目特别感兴趣,是一个宽泛的领域还是一个更宽泛的领域中的某个特别的专业。我们可以通过观察你在某项活动上花了多少时间来了解你的时间管理能力,我们也可以从中了解到,你在以后的大学生活中可能会如何安排你的活动。所以你在高中所做的活动可能也表明了你以后进入大学以后的样子,这对招生官来说是很加分的。在过去的一年里,很多常青藤联盟和美国高校的招生人员都在寻求了解学生的个人故事或个人经历,所以在活动中为自己找到一个特定的定位是很有帮助的。你可以试着把它加入到你的课外经历中。申请的另一个难题是推荐信,我认为这对学生来说很容易理解。但基本上,从推荐信中,招生人员希望了解学生的学术能力。他们在某一科目上的表现如何?他们在课堂上如何与同学相处?他们的个人品质是怎样的? 个人品质只是一个用来形容你个性的术语,比如,你有幽默感吗? 你容易相处吗? 你乐于助人吗?好的推荐信会解决所有这些问题。最后我们要看的是作为申请或面试的一部分,并不是每一所大学都要求面试或有面试流程。在某些情况下,你可能需要通过由美国面试官参加三方面试,或者你可能与学院的招生官面试。基本上,对于面试,我们要找的是他们在面试中谈论的信息是否与他们在申请中的信息相符。学生的沟通能力怎么样? 学生属于什么性格? 这就是我们在一般在面试中需要挖掘的信息。但在这段视频的后面,我会给你一些面试技巧。

The next thing that admissions officers review are which helps them understand who the student is, how they think, they're fit for a particular school as well. so for example, in supplemental essays, which are related to the different schools you're applying to. Students should talk very specifically about why they want to attend that school or beyond that campus. What experiences they want to have while they're there? So essays are all about explaining not only who you are but why a particular school or major is a fit for you and how you are also a fit for that major. And I'll talk a little bit more about essays later in this video as well. Another piece of the application that is super important are extra curricular activities or the activity with. And admissions officers get a lot of helpful information by reviewing the activity list, they can learn what types of things the student is super interested in or passionate about, If they have any leadership or who worked with groups or more on their own, If they've done any research, they can get a sense of like what types subjects you're super interested in that you've explored, whether a broad subject or maybe something super specific within a broader subject. We can see your time management skills by looking at like how much time you've been spending on particular activity, and we can kind of get a sense of, you know, what you might want to do with your activities at a particular university. So What you do in high school in terms of activities may also indicate the types of activities you'd want to do at a particular college for school, and that's really cool to admissions officers.

Over the past year, admissions officers that's a lot of the ivy leagues and more elite schools are looking to understand kind of what a student personal story or brand is with the activity, so It can be helpful to kind of have a certain niche for yourself with activity. You sort of try to build that into your activity list moving forward. Another piece of the application puzzle are letters of recommendation and I think that can be fairly straightforward for students to understand. But basically, from the letters of recommendation, admissions officers are looking to understand the students academic capabilities. How they're doing in a particular subject? How they get along with their peers and their fellow students in the classroom?

And what their personal qualities are like? Personal qualities is just an admissions term for your personality, so like, do you have a sense of humor? Are you easy going? Are you helpful things like that. Good letters of recommendation will address all of these things. And then a final thing that we'll look at um as part of the application or interviews, not every university will require interviews or will have an interview process. In some cases, you may be completing a third party interview through initial view or Americans, or maybe you're doing it admissions interviews through the school. And so basically, for interviews what we're looking for is does the information they're talking about in the interview match what they put in the application. How do they communicate? And what's their personality like? That's kind of the general, just of what we're looking for in an interview. But I'll give you some tips on interviews later in this video.



Jamie David:文书是申请中最重要的部分,对很多学生来说,这可能是棘手的。写关于自己的整个过程是非常棘手的,所以我想给你一些想法和建议。所以请记住,论文都是关于学生的,论文的内容都是关于你自己的。你应该用你真实的声音说话,你不应该让别人为你写东西,你应该成为你的文章中出现的那个人,你应该一直做你自己。招生人员不会让你成为他们想要你成为的人,你也不应该写论文主题,或者写任何你认为招生官想要听到、写或读到的东西。招生办的人想要听到,写或读到的东西也就是说,尽量避免像在写学术论文那样的语言。这些论文不是学术论文。它们不是考试,它们不是用来测试你的知识或词汇量的。所以要使用在你的词汇表里的单词尽量使用不同类型的单词,如果可以的话,你不需要使用任何你通常不会使用的或美国人通常不会使用的大词。招生人员只是想了解你,而不是测试你的整体英语写作能力。当我回想起之前的文书的时候,对我来说最响的是那些我最喜欢读的。他们表现出了人们古怪或多样的一面以及他们的个性或者可能表现出了兴奋性。无论写什么,他们都很兴奋。在很多情况下,他们讲的故事都是非常小的故事或小的方面,都是他们生活的一小部分。很多学生认为他们必须要有非常大的,戏剧性的,在某些情况下,以悲伤的人生故事来讲述,这样你的论文才能真正的脱颖而出,被录取。这是错误的,招生官只是需要一些细节,真正符合你的声音,这可能会帮助你脱颖而出。作为读者或招生人员,我们觉得当一个学生真正享受他们的写作,或真正允许他们自己自由和开放,也许在他们的写作中的脆弱,这是我们真正喜欢的东西。在连续阅读了数百篇或50篇文章后,达到一个有趣的、积极的、乐观的或自由的感觉,那体验真的很好。所以总的来说,当你考虑你的论文时,你希望招生办人员从你的论文中了解到比以前更多的你。你不希望招生办人员带着问题离开你的论文或申请,当这种情况发生时,如果他们有这些问题,招生办人员就没有人可以问了。所以你要确保无论你写什么无论你向招生人员申请什么,你都要确保给出背景并充分解释你自己。招生官喜欢细节,他们喜欢具体,他们喜欢背景。这有助于他们更多地了解申请人,你真的想要确保你在帮助他们理解你。

Now, I want to talk about essays. Because these are some of the most important parts of the application and for a lot of students this can be tricky. This whole process of writing about yourself can be super tricky to navigate, so I want to give you some thoughts and advice on that. So keep in mind that essays are all about students, they're all about you. You should be speaking in your true voice, you shouldn't have other people be writing things for you, you should be the one that's coming across in your essays and you should be yourself at all times. Admissions officers are not looking for you to be what you think they want you to be nor should you be writing essay topics or writing anything based on what you think an admissions officer wants to hear or write about or or read about. So you know That being said, try to avoid language that sounds like you're writing an academic paper. The essays are not academic papers. They're not exams, they are not meant to test any of your knowledge or your vocabulary. So use words that are in your vocabulary try to you know use different types of words if you can but you don't have to use any big words that you may not normally use or that people in America may not normally use. Admissions officers just want to learn about you, they're not testing your overall writing ability English. When I think back on essay is that ring the loudest for me the ones that I enjoyed reading the most. They were the ones that kind of showed the quirky or more random sides of people and their personality or perhaps showed excitability. They were excited about whatever they were writing about. In many cases, the stories that they were telling were very small stories or small aspects, a little bit of their lives. A lot of students think they have to have these really big, dramatic, in some cases, sad life stories to tell in order for your essays to really uh stand out and admission. That's not true at all, they just need to have some details and to really be in your own voice and that can potentially help you stand out. As readers or admissions officers, we feel when a student is really enjoying themselves in their writing or really allow themselves to be free and open and maybe perhaps vulnerable in their writing, that is something that we really enjoy. After reading hundreds of essays or maybe 50 essays in a row, getting to an fa that's just kind of fun or positive and upbeat or just free, that feels really good to it. So overall, when you think about your essays, you want admissions officers to walk away from your essays knowing more about you than they did before. You don't want admissions officers walking away from your essay or application with questions, when that happens admissions officers don't have anyone to ask if they have those questions. So you want to make sure that whatever you're writing whatever you applying to admissions officers in your application, make sure to give context and explain yourself fully. Admissions officers love details, they love specific, they love context. It helps them understand applicant so much more and you really want to make sure that you're helping them understand you.


Jamie David: 作为一名国际申请人,你可能会参加几种不同类型的面试。第一类面试是由第三方公司提供的initial view。另外,你申请的所有学校的招生人员都会观看这些面试,几乎所有学校的招生人员都是这样设计的,他们主要是为了更好地了解你的英语能力。你如何沟通? 你是怎么使用英语的? 虽然我们也很喜欢通过这些面试了解你对自己性格的兴趣,但其实只是了解你说话的方式,这是最主要的事情。所以,第三方面试的问题会更普通一些,你不会谈论你申请的任何特定学校或你的梦想学校或类似的事情。你会谈论更多的活动,可能是你在空闲时间热衷做的事情,可能是你潜在的专业或你在高中时最喜欢的科目。所以,我对你的建议是通过在电脑上打字来练习,也许是一些你希望在面试中谈论的东西。如果你对某项工作非常投入,如果你做了一个你非常热爱的项目,如果你计划学习一个专业。拿出你想说的东西,然后用英语大声练习,把所有的东西都变成你自己的。大声说出来,这样你就可以很舒服地用英语谈论这些事情。我认为这些面试让学生们非常紧张,因为他们事先不知道问题,他们不知道会被问到什么。有时开场的问题非常随机,所以我完全明白,我也会紧张。然而, 对于最初轮的面试你有你自己的优势。我可以给你关于最初轮的面试的建议是, 无论你遇到什么问题它们都会是非常宽泛的问题,你的回答也可以是宽泛的不受约束的。比如,他们可能会问你一些一般性的问题,比如你真正喜欢的事情、你喜欢的事情或你在高中有过的有益经历。想想你想谈论的事情是什么,然后决定你要如何回答这个问题。比如,你对机器人非常感兴趣,你想首先集中精力讨论这个问题。基于你真正想讨论的问题来回答这个问题,那么接下来的几个问题就很可能与你回答第一个问题的方式有关了。这会让你感到舒服,让你进入面试的状态,这应该会帮助你在整个面试中轻松应对,并且在后面的过程中保持良好的心态。另一种面试是大学或学院的传统面试,我认为当我们想到录取面试或面试时,这是大多数学生马上会想到的面试类型。这些活动通常是由校友进行的,校友是已经上过该学校或大学并毕业的人。但在某些情况下,你可能会与当前的学生或在该大学工作的人进行面试,比如招生官。对于这些面试,你能做的最好的事情就是做尽可能多的调查。所以他们在这些面试中真正想要的是了解你是如何沟通的。你对英语的使用状况? 你的性格怎么样? 在国际学习中你如何与他人互动。还有,你对你申请的大学有什么看法? 你如何表达和谈论你想在大学里经历或参与的事情? 你真的需要能够具体地说出你想要加入的俱乐部、你想要探索的项目、你想要感受的国家的传统、甚至是在这所大学你有没有那个餐厅你很想去吃,亦或者你想选修的课程。 所以你真的需要对你面试的学校进行调查,确保你面试的学校是你做过所有调查的学校,因为不管你信不信,这种情况发生的频率比你想象的要高。确保你们谈论的是同一所学校,而不是其他的学校,这样就要确保你的学校研究不要完全引用别人的话。

Now I'm gonna go back to interviews, I know I mentioned this earlier and I want to give you some advice. As an international applicant, you may participate in a couple of different kinds of interviews your application. The first kinds of these interviews are third party interviews offered by companies like initial view or American or perhaps. Another, these interviews are watched by admissions officers at all of the schools you're applying to almost all of them and they're primarily designed for admissions officers to get abetter sense of your English ability. How you communicate? How you come across in English? And while we may enjoy getting to know your interest in your personality a bit through these interviews as well, just really about how you're speaking, that's pretty much the main thing. So, the questions in the third party interviews are going to be a little bit more general, You won't talk about any specific schools you apply to or talk about your dream school or anything like that. What you'll talk about is more about activities maybe things you are passionate about doing in your free time, maybe your potential major or favorite subjects you had in high school. So, my favorite tip for initial view is to practice by writing out like typing on your computer, maybe some of the things that you hope to talk about in the interview. If you are super involved in certain, if you did a project that you spent a lot of time on that you really passionate about, If there's a major that you are planning on studying. Take out things that you'd like to say about it and then practice that out loud in English, practicing everything back to yourself. Out loud and so, you get really comfortable talking about all those things in English. I think these interviews make students really nervous because they don't know the questions ahead of time, They don't know what they're going to be asked. And sometimes the opening questions can be super random, so I totally get that, I would be nervous as well. However, you do have a little bit of an advantage in an upper hand here and my main tip for initial view or there can interview this, whatever question comes your way it's usually broad enough that you can kind of tailor your answer to whatever you want to talk about the boat. So like, maybe they ask you some general question about something you really love or something you enjoyed or rewarding experience you've had in high school. Think about what are the things you wanna talk about and then kind of decide how you want to answer that question. So like maybe you've been super involved in robotic and you wanna focus on talking about that at first. Answer the question based on something that you really want to discuss, and then the next few questions will most likely be somewhat related to how you started answering first question. And that'll get you comfortable and get you into it and it should help you kind of ease into the overall interview and feel really good as you keep moving on. The other kind of interview you may have is a traditional admission interview at a university or a college, I think when we think of admissions interviews or we think of interviews, this is the type of interview that most students immediately. These are typically conducted by alumni which are people who have already gone to that school or university and graduated. But in some cases, you may have an interview with the current students or someone who works at that university like an admissions officer. For these interviews, the best thing you can do is do as much research as possible. So what they're really looking for in these interviews is understanding of how you communicate. So how do you come across in English? And what is your personality like? How do you interact with other people in a communicative study. But also, what are your thoughts on that university? How do you articulate and talk about the things that you want to experience or participate in at the university? Do you really need to be able to speak specifically about names of clubs you want to join or program or traditions you want to explore or Dining hall or restaurants on campus that you want to go to our classes you want to take. So you really need to do your school research and make sure that the school you're interviewing for the school that you have all the research on, because believe it or not it happens more often than you would think that a student is interviewing at one school. We're talking about another school, so make sure that your school research is completely unquote.


Jamie David:对于9年级和10年级的学生来说,我认为你能做的最好的事情就是为英语做好准备。如果你在9年级,你在中国,你也可能在准备你的高中入学考试。如果你们不在美国,你就需要准备好学习英语,准备好高中入学考试,这将会是你最重要的事情。因为这对你们接下来的高中四年非常重要。对于那些在美国、加拿大或其他英语国家接受高中教育的人来说。探索你正在学习的东西和你喜欢的东西是非常重要的,你需要时间去做这些。因为11年级会非常忙,然后12年级是你申请的时候。所以,第9年和第10年是你探索学科,探索活动,发展领导力的时候,这对你很重要。至少要参加一个团队合作项目,你可以参加一些课外的课程,自己做一些项目或更正式的项目。所以要深入学习你喜欢的东西,弄清楚你喜欢什么,这样你就能对自己想要学的专业有个大概的认识,或者随着高中年级的升高,你会参与到一些事情中去。你需要练习写作,所以如果你在一个英语不是主要语言的国家,或者你的主要教学语言是英语和汉语或其他语言的混合。你应该练习用英语写作,这样可以更好的帮助自己。这对你以后的作文很有帮助,因为有时候学生在第11年级和第12年级写作文时,他们不知道从哪里开始,也不知道如何谈论自己。所以,我的建议是用正确的方式在9年级和10年级的时候练习写作,真正做一些写作,这样会更加的有趣,不只是是学术写作,写一些关于你自己的东西。写日记也很有趣,比如有规律地写日记,可能一天几分钟,也可能一周几次。有一些网站会提供一些帮助,比如一些社交媒体平台会定期提醒你更新你的日志,所以你需要关注你的提醒,帮助你养成习惯。这对你以后写论文和介绍自己很有帮助。还有一个建议是给9年级和10年级的学生的,对10年级的学生来说更重要的是要准备好开始考试,所以,需要你参加SAT考试,或者是ACT考试。如果需要的话,也要开始准备考托福或雅思。所以制定一个考试方案并真正开始为此工作努力,也是对你很有帮助的。11年级和12年级你会有点忙,实话实说这几年对学生来说真的会非常非常的忙。我认为对学生来说,表现出良好的时间管理能力是非常重要的。在保持好成绩的同时,尽可能在学习和活动之间取得平衡。这对学生来说是有些困难,所以试着找到适当的平衡。积极主动的并且有组织性的管理和调配自己的时间都会对你有很大的帮助。

I have some other general tips and they're kind of broken out into your year in high school or your year in school. For students who are in 9th and 10th I think the best thing that you can do is really prepare for English. If you're in 9th, you're all in your in china, you may also be preparing for your high school entrance exam. So that's probably going to be the most important thing for you, if you are not in the united states prepare for English and prepare for that high school entrance exam. Because that can be really important to you for the rest of your high school 4 years. For those that are intense or perhaps maybe in the united states or Canada or somewhere that's an English speaking country and getting your high school education there. It's really important that you explore things that you are learning and things that you enjoy, you need time to do that because 11th grade is gonna be super busy, and then 12 is when you're applying. So, 9th and 10th are really the years for you to explore academic subjects, explore activities, develop leadership, if that's something that's important to you. At least a lot of teamwork, maybe take some online courses, do some projects on your own or more formal project. So really really dive deep into things that you enjoy really figure out what it is that you like, so that you can have a sense of what you might want to major in or get involved in, as you get older in high school and things like that. You'll also want to practice writing, so if you're in a country where English is not the primary language or your primary language of instruction is kind of a mix of English and Chinese or something else. You should maybe practice writing in English and kind of getting in touch with who you are as a person. This will really help you with your essays later on, because sometimes students sit down to write their essays in 11th and 12th and they have no idea where to start or how to talk about themselves. So, my suggestion is practice writing in 9th and 10th right in English and really do some writing. That's more fun, not academic writing, get in touch with yourself. Something that can be fun is doing journal, like journaling regularly, maybe like a few minutes a day or a few times a week. Write many essays on different topics about yourself. There are different sites online and different places or social media accounts that will give you journaling prompt, so look out for those and try to do as many journaling prompts On a regular basis you can. That's gonna really help set you up later for when you have to write essays and talk about yourself more. And then another tip for 9th and 10th this is primarily more for 10th is to really get ready to start testing, So, take your first SAT, take your first ACT, start getting into the TOEFL or the IELTS if you need to take those. So getting a testing strategy in place and really kind of starting to work on that is gonna be helpful as well. Tips for 11th and 12th it's a little bit busy, these are busy years for students. I think it's really important for students to be displaying strong time management. Doing as much as you can to balance your academics with your activities staying involved while still maintaining good grades. That can be tough for students, so try to find the right balance, being organized or proactive whatever you need to do to kind of manage both is going to help you.



Jamie David:现在我想谈谈”适合”,因为“适合”你的学校是一个有点模糊的术语。你可能会在信息讲座上听到它,或者你的朋友谈论它,或者招生人员可能说过它。你不太确定那是什么意思? 或者你不确定为什么重要? 所以,我想谈谈为什么“适合”对学生和还有学校都很重要。首先要考虑的是,当大学录取学生时,不只是录取他们到学校上课,和教授一起学习。所以,招生的目的其实是建立一个社群,一个学生的社群,在4年,甚至更久的大学生活中,他们将在未来的几年中一起吃饭、睡觉、工作、学习和玩耍。在很多情况下,这些社群会引导学校校园的风气,也许他们会参加学生会或一个委员会,或是校园志愿者。他们真的知道学生对校园文化的感觉有很大的影响。正因为如此,学院和大学在做决定时考虑申请者是非常重要的。这类信息可以在论文中体现出来,特别是如果学校有补充论文,你必须写你为什么想去那里。有时候学校会通过你参加过的活动、你谈论自己的方式以及你想在大学校园里有什么样的经历来决定是否适合你。另一方面,”适合”对学生来说也非常重要。特别是作为一名国际学生,你远离家乡,你可能会第一次体验一种新的文化,你可能会陷入另外一种语言之中,你知道,说一种你完全不同的语言,几乎每天都是这么度过的。你可能每天都要走出自己的舒适区,这可能会带来压力,所以你会在学校或大学里待很长时间,就像我说的4年或者更久。所以无论你在哪里,你都要确保你真的感到舒适和安全,大学本身是一个满足你需求的一个地方。如果你想在一个更城市的环境中,确保校园不要位于一个偏僻的地方,或者从校园到机场超级困难,你可以很难飞回家。你知道在宾夕法尼亚大学呆了11年,这些年我见过成百上千的学生。它是一所常青藤联盟学校,所以我看到很多日本的学生来到这里仅仅是因为它是一所常青藤。这可能是他们当年录取的最好的学校或者排名最高的学校,或者是有家庭成员鼓励他们去上的学校。但是这些并不是决定去哪所学校的最好理由,也许宾大并不是适合这些学生的地方。他们可能会感到不舒服。他们和学校的整体文化不太合拍,要么就是对学校本身不满意,要么就是不开心。因此,这种不快乐可以转化为生活的很多方面。我看到一些不愿意去上课的学生,把自己隔离起来,或者他们不交朋友。他们的学业、个人和社会生活受到了影响,他们的整体幸福、心理健康和幸福也受到了影响。许多人在整个4年里一直在奋斗,毕业是一场斗争,有些人辍学了,有些人转到了其他学校。所以,我讨厌看到学生们经历这些。如果你不开心,那很正常你可以试着转移到别的地方你在别的地方不开心并试着让它变得更好。但对我来说,重要的是,学生在申请学校时或申请之前,要尽可能地考虑适合自己的学校。

I want to talk a little bit about fit, because college fit is right now a little bit of a fuzzy term. You may be hearing it at info sessions or your friends are talking about it or admissions officers may have said it. And you're not quite sure what that means? Or you're not sure why it's important? So, I want to talk a little bit about why fit is important for students but also for colleges. The first thing to think about is when colleges admit students, they're not just admitting them to their schools to take classes and to learn with professors. So, admissions officers are building a community, a community of students who will live eat, sleep, work, study and play together for many years. You know you'll be at a university for at least 4 years maybe more. So in many cases, these groups of students will help make their school campuses positive places, maybe they participate in student government on the campus or on a council and volunteer on the campus. And they really know that the students have a lot of impact on how the campus culture feels. So because of this, it's so important that colleges and universities consider an applicant for the school when they're making decisions. And this type of information can come out in the essay, especially if there are supplemental essays for school and you have to write about why you want to be there. Sometimes a school will determine fit through the activities you've done or the way you talk about yourself and the types of experiences you want to have on a college campus. Now, on the other hand fit is super important for students as well. As an international student especially, you'll be far from home, you may be experiencing a new culture for the first time, you may uh be experiencing immerse of language, you know, speaking a whole other language that you know but almost exclusively all the time. You may have to really be going out of your comfort zone on a daily basis which can be stressful, so you'll be spending a lot of time at your school or university, again like I said 4 years maybe more. So you want to make sure that you really feel comfortable and secure wherever you are and that the campus itself is located in a place that meets, whatever needs that you have. If you want to be in a more city or urban environment, make sure that campus isn't located in the middle of nowhere or that it's super hard to get to an airport from campus that you can fly home easily. You know Being at the university of Pennsylvania for 11 years, I saw hundreds of students over the years. And it's an ivy league school so I witnessed many students who came in japan simply because it was an ivy. It was maybe the best school that they were admitted to that year or was ranked the highest or maybe a family member encourage them to attend. And so these are not always the best reasons to base the decision on attending a school, Perhaps Peen wasn't the right place for some of these students. They may have felt uncomfortable. They didn't vibes well with the overall culture either with the campus itself for the students or they just weren't happy. And So, this unhappiness can translate into so many aspects of one's life. I saw students who wouldn't go to class, Who are isolated themselves from their professors and their friends or they didn't make friends. Their academics suffer their personal and social life suffered and their overall happiness and mental health and well being suffered. Many stayed in struggles throughout all 4 years, and it was a battle for them to graduate, others dropped out, some managed to transfer to other schools. So, I hate seeing students go through that. Totally, okay if you're unhappy, that's normal and you could you know try to transfer somewhere else that you're not happy somewhere and to try to make itbetter. But it's important to me that students think about fit as much as they can when they're applying or before they apply to really consider schools that might be a good place for you to be.


Jamie David:研究学校很重要。所以我认为让学生从11年级开始研究自己要申请的学校是非常重要的。尽可能多地研究学校,进行虚拟访问,或者亲自餐馆这些学校。但是,我意识到,如果你是国际学生,住在北美以外的国家,这可能是很困难的,尤其是在新冠肺炎期间。试着和你感兴趣的学校的学生交流,你联系现在在这些大学里学习的你的高中同学,或者学院和大学的招生人员通常很乐意帮你联系, 如果你想的话你可以联系正在就读这所大学的学生,以他们的角度来理解你的示。你可以随时接触招生人员, 找到在这所学院就读的国际学生或者当地学生来积累经验。和学生交流,这可能是我最大的建议,因为招生人员会给你他们的观点,而且是一个更高层次的观点,因为他们不是学校里的学生。所以,如果你能和他们交谈,你就能真正了解那所大学每天的生活以及对你来说可能是什么感觉。除此之外,你还需要有一个申请学校的清单。让你更容易的了解你申请的情况,哪些学校你已经申请到了,那些你还在申请中。我们在常春藤盟校和像斯坦福大学和麻省理工学院这样的精英学校看到了更多的竞争,所以你一定要考虑周全,考虑得非常周全,对你的学校名单要保持科学。我不是说你不能申请任何一所理想的学校,但你不应该申请所有的理想学校。你应该非常非常非常现实地对待匹配你的学校和保底学校。试着在50所你喜欢的学校中选择配对,这样如果出于某种原因你只被配对和安全的学校录取,你仍然有一些你感觉良好的选择。我意识到,对于很多海外学生来说,当你想到学校时,匹配和保底并不是令人兴奋的,你不会对它们感到兴奋。但是我真的觉得,当我看到那些学校的学生,当他们和这些学校的学生交谈时,当他们真正做研究时,他们会发现他们喜欢这些学校的地方。所以一定要留言你的保底院校,因为它们对你来说是非常好的地方。

I think a lot of what I focusing on in terms of my last tip is related to fit and that comes down to researching schools. So I think that it's super important that students spend time starting in 11th . Researching schools as much as possible, doing virtual visit, visiting in person as possible. I realized if you're international and living abroad outside of North America that's probably not always possible especially during COVID. Try to talk to students who are attending schools that you're interested in and you can either do that through uh contacting students from your high school who are now at those universities or admissions officers at colleges and universities are usually happy to help connect to you. With current students at their schools that you can learn more from the student perspective, so If that's something you'd like to do, you can always reach out to admissions officers and find out are there any international students or students from you know my area who I can talk to about what their experience is like at the school right now. That's probably my biggest advice is talking to students, because admissions officers are gonna give you their perspective and it's a much higher level perspective, because they're not students at the school. So if you can talk to a student, you can really get a sense of what a day to day, daily life feeling is like at that university and how it might feel to you. And then in addition to that, it's not just about the research, you also have to then create a school list and with things the way they are today with test optional. Making it way more easy for students to apply to schools that they probably could have before or wouldn't have before. We're seeing a lot more competition at the Ivy League schools and that elite schools like Stanford and MIT, so you really want to be thoughtful, super thoughtful and realistic about your school list. I'm not saying you can't apply to any dream school but you shouldn't be applying to all dream school. You should be super super super realistic about what a match school is and a safety school for you. And try to pick match in 50 schools that you do like in some way, so that if for some reason you are only admitted to matches and safety, you still have some options that you feel good about. I realized that for a lot of students abroad, matches and safety are not exciting schools when you think about them, you're not excited about them. But I really do feel that when I I've seen students when they talk to students at those schools when they really do the research they find things that they like about those schools. So really give matches and safety the chance, because they could end up being really great places for you.


Jamie David :我经常被问到的一个问题是你能告诉我一些成功的案例吗?你能给我举几个例子说明一些学校会录取什么样的学生吗? 我完全理解人们为什么要这样要求,他们想为自己树立榜样,或者他们想知道,为了进入某些学校或我的梦想学校,我需要做什么或成为什么样的人。我倾向于不向学生和家庭提供这类信息,因为这没有帮助。因为什么? 一个学生做了什么或者另一个学生做了什么并不重要,重要的是你能做什么,你正在做什么,或者你能得到什么。在其他情况下,招生人员也能判断一个学生在做什么,仅仅因为他们认为在申请中看起来不错,或者在申请某些学校时会看起来不错。所以,当你从其他人,招生人员或辅导员那里听到这些例子时,请记住这些例子不是都舍和你的。每个人有自己的方式去考虑一所学校,对于学校的的地理位置的要求,自身的英语能力,自己的学术准备,所关注的专业,之前所参加的活动以及个性等等。很抱歉,我不会给你们任何成功的例子在这个视频中。我知道我很抱歉,但是我也不想让你失望,但我能告诉你的最好的建议,在申请的时候做一个最积极、乐观、无争议的自己就可以了。展现你最好的一面,你可以成为谁,你想成为谁,你计划在大学成为谁。如果你现在还没有到申请的年龄,就像我说的,坚持每天练习你的英语,了解你是谁,什么让你最快乐。因为这些是你需要关注并投入到你的申请中的东西。通过你正在做的项目、俱乐部或研究来探索你最喜欢的学术课题。就像我之前说的,在强调一次,自己做学院调查,选择最适合你自己的学院,让你保持一个舒适的状态。和那些学校的国际学生谈谈,不管你最终会去到哪里,如果你能保持积极的态度并付出努力。我知道,一切的付出终将获得收货。今天我很高兴能与你们分享我的故事呢。祝你在大学和工作中一切顺利。

Finally, a question I get all the time is can you tell me about successful cases. Can you give me some examples of the types of students that would be admitted to certain schools. And I totally understand why people ask for this, they want to model themselves or they wanna know like what is it that I need to do or be, in order to get into certain schools or to my dream schools. I tend to not give out that type of Information to students and families, because it's not helpful. Because what? One student did or another student that doesn't really matter, It's all about what you can do and what you are are doing or what's available to you. And in other cases as well admissions officers can really tell when a student is doing something, just because they think it looks good on an application or will look good when they apply to certain schools. So, Keep in mind that case examples you know when you hear about these from other people or from admissions officers or counselors. They're not one size fits all, they don't take into consideration someone's school or their location or their English ability, the academic preparation they've had, the major that they're focusing on if any the activities they've been doing, their personality and things like that. So, I'm sorry to say I'm not going to give you any successful case examples in this video. I know I'm so sorry and I don't mean to let you down, but the best advice I can tell you Please! Please! Please! Please! Just be yourself! Be the most positive, upbeat, non controversial version of yourself that you can be in your application. Show the best side of who you are, who you can be, who you want to be, who you plan to be at university. And If you're not currently at the age of applying yet, like I said keep practicing your English every single day, learn who you are and what makes you happiest. Because those are the things that you're going to want to focus on and put into your application. Really explore an academic subject, subjects you love most through projects you're doing or clubs or research. Like I said before, again, do your school research, be very thoughtful in picking schools that speak to you the most and that you feel you'd be super comfortable. Talk to international students at those schools and no matter where you end up, If you can keep a positive outlook and put an effort. I know, for a fact, things are going to come for you. It's been my pleasure to share my tips with you today and to share this Information. And I wish you all the best of luck in your college search.

听完Jamie David老师的分享,大家是否心里更有数了呢?俗话说,知己知彼方能百战不殆,锁定新藤汇留学,一流高校招生官揭秘北美高校录取“潜规则”,揭开招生官审批流程背后的故事,运用招生院工作经验带你申名校。大家持续关注哦,新藤汇助你斩获名校offer!
